Autumn in New York

Starring: Elaine Stritch, Mary Beth Hurt, Sam Trammell, Sherry Stringfield, Vera Farmiga, Anthony LaPaglia, Jill Hennessy, Richard Gere, Winona Ryder, Hatsumi Yoshida

Director: Joan Chen
Release Date: August 11th, 2000
Studio: SND

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Synopsis: Successful restauranteur Will Keane is on the verge of turning fifty, yet he's still quite the playboy with a persistent case of commitment-phobia. When he meets Charlotte Fielding, a free-sprited woman half his age, he expects another quick and easy romance. But nothing about their relationship is quick or easy. Instead their encounters are rife with intergenerational clashes, differing philosophies and an urgent sense of sensuality and connection. Just when Will is tempted to bail out with his usual line about "not promising forever," Charlotte responds with resons of her own about why she feels this relationship can't last forever -- she's dying.

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