David Foster Confirms No Delay For 'The Core'

David Foster was able to speak to FilmForce about whether his plans would change for the upcoming The Core. Speculation has been rife whether the movie which features a space shuttle crash landing sequence would be delayed due to the recent Columbia disaster.

"The picture will open as scheduled, on Friday, March 28," Foster said in the interview. "The shuttle scene remains intact. In fact, in the movie it is a very heroic scene when it crash-lands safely in the L.A. River Basin – a funny thought itself. In every test screening that scene has received huge applause. If I must say so myself, it's a pretty exceptional visual effects sequence."

"The only thing Paramount has done with the blessings of myself and the director [Jon Amiel] is to pull the trailers and cut the few frames of the shuttle sequence out of them. The trailers will be back in the theaters this weekend. This was done out of respect for the seven extraordinary adventurers/scientists/heroes who perished Saturday morning. As I'm sure you know, their families have all said that the astronaut program and space exploration should go on, and we will feel the same way about our movie."

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