It's all relative

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Saw the pilot last night. Pretty good stuff, I thought it was funny. Definately a lot funnier that some of the other season premieres/pilots I've seen (I'm not mentioning any names, but man, sometimes you gotta ask waht people are really thinking).

Did anyone else watch??

Never heard of it

me neither.....sad but i'm in england......big grin

didn't see it - help me out a little - what network, premise of show?

I've seen the show and thought it was pretty good.

Its on Wednesdays at 8:30 on ABC.

Its about this young couple that is getting married but the guy comes from an Irish Catholic family and the girl has two gay dads. It all works though and its pretty funny.

Yeah, sorry I didn't get to responding sooner, but now you get the idea.

Anyone get to see last night's episode?? I thought that the naked scene was perhaps one of the funniest things I've seen on that show... though this is only the second or third episode...

I also like how we're getting a better look at the characters.

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