Hollow Victories

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Has anyone else made this observation?

It seems as though the trend in this board has moved from people debating/sharing their ideas or challenging/investigating the ideas of others to people trying to WIN an argument in order to boost their self esteem or some other personal agenda.

The whole idea of trying to win an argument on the internet (instead of just participating in a debate) is not half as odd as those who actually declare their own victories.

Once again, I ask, has anyone else noticed it? And... what's the freakin' point?

there is none. unless the topic is objective. for example if someone posts "facts" which are false, and they are proven false. i guess then you could say that somebody "won". but i fail to see how a debate on a subjective topic can have a 'winner' and a 'loser'. the mentallity seems to be, he/she who yaps last, yaps best. so to the winner goes the last word.

I agree. But what I think I'm more interested in the person who seeks self affirmation by trying to win such an arguement, or who is so self absorbed or insecure as to declare their own victory.

What is the reward there? Why do it?

Originally posted by KharmaDog
I agree. But what I think I'm more interested in the person who seeks self affirmation by trying to win such an arguement, or who is so self absorbed or insecure as to declare their own victory.

What is the reward there? Why do it?

I agree......some just don't have the self esteem to admit a loss.....

There we go talking about wins and losses.

Why is admitting that perhaps some other's point is more valid than yours a loss?

I'll debate to my last breath a position on an issue that is important to me. However, I will also concede when someone can sway me with information that I was not privy too or who can intelligently make me see their point where I am forced to reconsider mine.

However, that's not about winning or losing. Someone who makes it about winning or losing, in my opinion, has self esteem issues or is trying to make up for relatively diminutive genitalia.

Doesn't bother me.....I just like to play the game....I've just noticed that some can't ever let go....But that's just the fun part, I guess........Hey, and what's with the genitalia stuff....Mines just as good as yours.

Sadako of Girth
Originally posted by KharmaDog
There we go talking about wins and losses.

Why is admitting that perhaps some other's point is more valid than yours a loss?

I'll debate to my last breath a position on an issue that is important to me. However, I will also concede when someone can sway me with information that I was not privy too or who can intelligently make me see their point where I am forced to reconsider mine.

However, that's not about winning or losing. Someone who makes it about winning or losing, in my opinion, has self esteem issues or is trying to make up for relatively diminutive genitalia.

ROFL Sorry... The wording of that last bit cracked me up....

Well said overall...
Such people who dismiss the other persons point automatically for the sake of a "Win" should be lawyers... And last I checked KMC wasn't a grad-school for those in the legal profession...

You have to be willing to listen to other people's POV in debating or there can only be a loser--> The person who chooses to live in ignorance through blindly denying existance of any other valid points....

And there is no shame in conceding a point or two...
Ive seen people misinterpretting this a sign of loss in some way when in fact it is the conceder who is broadening their perspective and world view by admitting that they may not have considered it before and are now in a postion to see both sides, which is often better than the other guy's blindness to anything but their own little perspective..

Well I guess you can call getting your opponent to agree to your side, or proving (disproving) your opinion (their opiniopn) with facts, winning.....so you can win in an debate......but stating that youi have won is a rather uneccessary thing even if you actually should have won a debate.....

Originally posted by Sadako of Girth
ROFL Sorry... The wording of that last bit cracked me up....

It is my objective to both seek answers, and entertain, at least I'm batting .500 in this case.

...and I agree with your post.

Originally posted by Bardock42
Well I guess you can call getting your opponent to agree to your side, or proving (disproving) your opinion (their opiniopn) with facts, winning.....so you can win in an debate......but stating that youi have won is a rather uneccessary thing even if you actually should have won a debate.....

But why is it so important for people to aknowledge a win? That's what I'm getting at. It seems that to some, the WIN is more important than the issue that they are debating.

What are some examples of this? I'm not following this, unless it's referring to World War III between PVS and AC.

Originally posted by KharmaDog
But why is it so important for people to aknowledge a win? That's what I'm getting at. It seems that to some, the WIN is more important than the issue that they are debating.

In many cases this might be actually more important too.....you might debate in some dumbass threads (probably Deanos) just to convince others, or disporove their opinions for the fun of doing ...which basically can mean that you want to win.

Furthermore debating is aboot winning......not obviously...but Politicians, Debating Teams........EcoTerroristHippiedebaters...they all do it to win.....cause that is what you want to achieve with a debate...granted there are rules but you don't debate for the sake of talking.....

Sadako of Girth
I still think it maybe connected with the "Dimunutive Genitalia compensation" psychology.... yes
If people have to claw at victory where there is none, it often speaks of someone feeling like a loser most of the time inside...

Definitely some kind of compensation...

Alpha Centauri
Originally posted by botankus
What are some examples of this? I'm not following this, unless it's referring to World War III between PVS and AC.

Why are people seemingly making out our interraction to be anything major? I don't view it as such and I'm sure PVS doesn't either. I view it as nothing more than a debate and I'm pretty sure the same can be said for him. Moreover, I have no problems with the man at all.

Not that I'm speaking for him of course.


Originally posted by Bardock42
you might debate in some dumbass threads (probably Deanos) just to convince others, or disporove their opinions for the fun of doing ...which basically can mean that you want to win.

Furthermore debating is aboot winning......not obviously...but Politicians, Debating Teams........EcoTerroristHippiedebaters...they all do it to win.....cause that is what you want to achieve with a debate...granted there are rules but you don't debate for the sake of talking.....

Point taken.

Sometimes in a thread, such as one devoted to the validity of lizardmen taking over the earth, I participate soley for entertainment.

I think the act of debating (for the most part) is about finding answers to questions, or raising further issues, and although the end result may be considered a win, it is the people trying to WIN an argument in order to boost their self esteem or perceived reputation that I seem to have more of an issue with.

When that happens the forums become more about personal arguements or such crap than the discussing of issues.

I sometimes do this, I shouldn't, but, I certainly did over the bomb suspect being shot as I felt even at the time, those who said it would be an ok mistake to make shooting an innocent given the circumstances were idiots and I still do. So when my position in that thread became the accepted position by the majority in the UK, I did bump the thread. I asked for an enquiry on the day it happened in that thread as it did not ring true and was villified by a number of individuals, so yes I do see it as a victory for common sense, still doesn't help the dead guys family, friends or more importantly himsad.

i guess victories don't get much more hollow on heresad.

Originally posted by KharmaDog
Has anyone else made this observation?

It seems as though the trend in this board has moved from people debating/sharing their ideas or challenging/investigating the ideas of others to people trying to WIN an argument in order to boost their self esteem or some other personal agenda.

The whole idea of trying to win an argument on the internet (instead of just participating in a debate) is not half as odd as those who actually declare their own victories.

Once again, I ask, has anyone else noticed it? And... what's the freakin' point?
Yes. I've observed it. People act like assholes and claim they have 'demolished' an argument rather than discuss the point-of-view.

Aahhhhhhhhhh....It's all subjective anyway.......always hated the true fact of that word....OR is that also subjective. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Yes it is. But then again, my saying that is subjective, too.

you're all idiots

thats objective

stick out tongue Happy Dance

Yes it is objective smile

PVS gets his victory laughing out loud

I think debbiejo won. Whoo-hoo! Here's to your victory, debs!


Originally posted by botankus
I think debbiejo won. Whoo-hoo! Here's to your victory, debs!


laughing out loud maybe smile but PVS's would be more hollow smile

Originally posted by botankus
I think debbiejo won. Whoo-hoo! Here's to your victory, debs!


Well that was certainly an objective perspective.... big grin


Originally posted by KharmaDog
Has anyone else made this observation?

It seems as though the trend in this board has moved from people debating/sharing their ideas or challenging/investigating the ideas of others to people trying to WIN an argument in order to boost their self esteem or some other personal agenda.

The whole idea of trying to win an argument on the internet (instead of just participating in a debate) is not half as odd as those who actually declare their own victories.

Once again, I ask, has anyone else noticed it? And... what's the freakin' point?

Yes i have made that notion. and as the WAR of the words proceeds, then enters the viscousness with replies. Cause apperently, the more one swears and posts the offensive words, the more it makes you right.

It sometimes gets to a point when even if you question a matter, you get bashed with a STFU.

When there is so much room for discussion, people opt for arguement, just to quench their ......................?

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