Captain America: Living Legend

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might buy

Seriously....where is everyone?

So tired of Captain America, let him rest already

Why let him rest?

Dude has been in comics since forever, reached volume seven of his own original run, and thats not to mention the other Captain America books that have come on the side.

He was the leader of the Avengers, present almost every issue. The Leader of the Secret Avengers, part of the Uncanny avengers. Marvel constantly exploits his popularity for higher sales numbers by throwing him in literally anything they can justify his presence in.

Quite frankly, I'm tired. I'm really just tired of seeing his face everytime I open a Marvel comic. I'm not even safe in the X-Men titles anymore. He still comes looking for me there.

He's been a great hero, but he's had his run. It's time to put him to rest. I suggest a story arc where they kill him off once and for all.

Seems like your reading the wrong kind of stuff

go read manga.

Interesting. Is this part of a move by Diggle back to Marvel, after his abrupt departure from the Action Comics title?

DC has been pissing off some of their major talent lately...

Originally posted by Kazenji
go read manga.

Dont get mad because Captain America has become trite. I'm personally just tired of the same old bullshit. Dude hasn't had any sort of character development for the past 35 years. All he does is bark orders, tell everyone what's right and wrong, get in fights and all while everyone worships him like he's the greatest thing to hit earth since sex.

Considering the wide, and vast array of characters the Marvel Universe has (Moreso than any other comic publisher, DC included), It's more than a bit irritating that they have like fourteen comics that focus on like, 10 characters, of which Captain America pops up in pretty much all of them.

Originally posted by RockofAges
Dont get mad because Captain America has become trite.

I'm not getting mad....if i had put in bold then i would be coming off as mad

laughing... at he hasn't had any development

How's that any different to Wolverine or any other character for that matter

just seems your reading the wrong stuff if that's your gripes with things.

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