Swss bank collapses

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The Bitcoin shills ars having a field day with all these collapses, telling people to pull out all their money and invest in crypto yesterday.

And I'll be honest, I'm getting worried. Between Silicon Valley, Silverbank, and now Credit Suisse, this is looking like more then "isolated incidents".

Global banking crisis: One big problem down. Too many others left to go

Oh yeah, this makes me feel a lot better. "Global banking crisis".

Not all banks are collapsing. China is considered a "relatively safe haven".


Citi is s pretty big bank, if you want to cut through the politics just look at what banks are doing.

Brandon says everything is coming up roses for the US banking system while China and Russia are doomed, Citi says different.


1.JPM is biggest strongest bank right now---$376 billion
2.Bank of America BAC at $225 billion
3.Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)-IDCBY $224 billion

I wouldn't worry to much about it. We are in a recession, not yet a depression mode or stagflation! Some 3rd world countries are experiencing a stagflation, that's why we are having a influx of landed immigrants panicking.

It will only be a problem if we stop the production of essential basic commodities.

I was reading about France in the 1900's, when they experienced a decline in employment and goods and services. The rich would scramble to eat rats and pigeons just to survive and they were dying of serious health risks because they were eating contaminated rodents.

Will humanity survive? Maybe. We definitely need to adopt more ecological standards to impose on the conservation of trees and botanicals.

Plastic has got to go and glass has to come back in. Deforestation replaced by terraforming.

We cant just be consumers and spreading to all the corners of the earth to habitate. We need to work with the environment, so that it becomes second nature for humanity's survival. In other words, we need to live in trees.

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