Games where the main protagonist of a previous game in the series is the main villain

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How many games have this? It's a very cool plot device usually, imo.

I know it happens in Prototype, Infamous (kinda) and Divinity: Original Sin 2.

Basically the main protagonist of one of the previous games in the series becomes the main villain of the current game or game released at the time.

Preferably would like games where they were originally a good guy/girl and in the new game somehow became a bad guy/girl. Also they must be the main villain, not a "helper" or whatever for the new villain, we're talking final boss stuff here folks.

Diablo 2, The protag from the first game becomes the host for Diablo.

Originally posted by Kazenji
Diablo 2, The protag from the first game becomes the host for Diablo. Yeah the intro shows him fighting Tyrael, sad fate but thats pretty much par for the course in the Diablo series.

Drakengard 2, the main villain for the majority of the game is Caim.

If you play them chronologically, Metal Gear has a protagonist that later becomes a villain.

If you specifically, only mean from one game to the next, then you could say The Last of Us 2 fills that criteria.

Crackdown you start as the protagonist and end up the antagonist in the same game.

Warcraft III, kinda. Arthas.

Kazuya was the main protagonist of the first Tekken game, then immediately became the main antagonist in the second one.

The Dark Souls III final boss is widely considered an amalgamation of the player characters who linked the flame in previous games, along with Gwyn.

The protagonist of the Gen I Pokemon games, Red, is the final boss of the Gen II Pokemon games.

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