Obi Wan and Anakin vs Asajj and Savage Opress

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Obi Wan and Anakin as of the end of AotC.

Asajj and Savage as of their engagement against Dooku in TCW.

Anakin at the end of TPM isn't going to be doing much. Ventress and Savage stomp.

Anakin kamikazes his Naboo fighter into the duo.

I assume you meant AotC

Team 2 wins

Sorry, it was AotC. =x

Ventress and Savage.

Sith team

Ventress should solostomp. And wasn't Savage even more powerful than Ventress?

Darth Thor
Lol Ventress isn't soloing.

Originally posted by Darth Thor
Lol Ventress isn't soloing.

Given that she is in the league of two Force wielders who stomped post-AotC Anakin with TK, and rather casually pulls off spells the Ancient Sith considered "complex", yeah, she is.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Azronger
Given that she is in the league of two Force wielders who stomped post-AotC Anakin with TK, and rather casually pulls off spells the Ancient Sith considered "complex", yeah, she is.

No idea which Force wielders you're talking about. And spells won't help her in Saber combat.

But given the fight AOTC Anakin put up against Dooku (who Ventress was never a match for), she might be his superior in a 1 v 1, she she ain't soloing both. Let alone stomping.

Originally posted by Darth Thor
No idea which Force wielders you're talking about. And spells won't help her in Saber combat.

Saato ragdolled and choked out Anakin, and Trenox one-shot him with a Force push. And Ventress is in the league of both.

Sith spells won't help her by themselves, but they do tell us just how advanced she is as a Force wielder.

Sabers is obviously a different matter.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Azronger
Saato ragdolled and choked out Anakin, and Trenox one-shot him with a Force push. And Ventress is in the league of both.

Sith spells won't help her by themselves, but they do tell us just how advanced she is as a Force wielder.

Sabers is obviously a different matter.

You're obviously talking Legends. I've not seen how Satan and Trenox beat him, and neither have I seen how Ventress is their peer so I can't comment.

As far as Canon goes however there's no way she's soloing both.

I doubt the OP meant Canon since nearly nobody cares for Canon fights tbh

Yeah, nobody gives a shit about Canon. I don't know why Thor is instantly assuming someone is talking about Canon in the EU forum.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by JKBart
I doubt the OP meant Canon since nearly nobody cares for Canon fights tbh

Given he refers to AOTC and TCW incarnations that would suggest Canon.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by Azronger
Yeah, nobody gives a shit about Canon. I don't know why Thor is instantly assuming someone is talking about Canon in the EU forum.

Aside from my above point, Canon is the default setting. I suggest you refresh yourself on the current forum rules.

FYI Eu stands for expanded universe (anything outside of the films). It doesn't stand for Legends.

Thor be reasonable. We always assume Composite here. Nobody gives a shit about the rules.

Anakin's performances against Dooku in AotC proves, that Ventress wont be able to soloing this, let alone stomping.
And Dooku's showing against Ventress and Opress duo, was among his worst. He wasn't prepared to fight them, the room was small, he had one blade, while Ventress and Opress had four.
And still, after 2v1 part, Ventress was stomped much harder in a duel, then Anakin was in AotC. Perhaps even harder then Kenobi.

Originally posted by Azronger
Saato ragdolled and choked out Anakin, and Trenox one-shot him with a Force push. And Ventress is in the league of both.

Sith spells won't help her by themselves, but they do tell us just how advanced she is as a Force wielder.

Sabers is obviously a different matter. ..Anakin went on to beat Saato, IIRC though.

All Ventress has to do is seriously piss Anakin off, and the fight goes to team 1.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Thor be reasonable. We always assume Composite here. Nobody gives a shit about the rules.

Composite is silly and pointless IMO. Because the power levels in Legends and Canon are too different to reconcile.

We should follow the rules default settings given Canon is the present and the future, whereas Legends is a thing of the past.

In any case I never said people can't discuss Legends incarnations. I was just giving a Canon answer, and then defended the reasonableness of doing so when Azronger and JKBart complained about me using Canon.

I know but we almost ALWAYS use Legends.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
I know but we almost ALWAYS use Legends.

That's because 99% of threads here include Legends only characters.

Still you shouldn't forget the default rules. And you certainly shouldn't criticize someone for giving a Canon response.

Let's face it Legends is a thing from the past. Canon is the Present and Future.

*Shrug* I'm not criticizing you. I'm just saying you should expect people to follow rules that haven't been followed ( or relevant ) in years.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
*Shrug* I'm not criticizing you.

Not you I'm talking about these comments in response to me giving a Canon based response:

Originally posted by JKBart
I doubt the OP meant Canon since nearly nobody cares for Canon fights tbh

Originally posted by Azronger
Yeah, nobody gives a shit about Canon. I don't know why Thor is instantly assuming someone is talking about Canon in the EU forum.

thumb down

Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
I'm just saying you should expect people to follow rules that haven't been followed ( or relevant ) in years.

And I'm just saying we should accept the transition Lucasfilm and Disney have given us by at least being open to Canon discussions as well as Legends.

Because Canon HAS TO have a place here, because characters like Kanan, GI and Kylo Ren Only exist in Canon.

So like I said, Ultimately Canon is the Present and the Future of the EU.

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