Sabretooth versus Lucian...

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Rogue Jedi
Origins Sabretooth versus Lucian from "Underworld."

Lucian is out on the hunt for Michael Corvinus. He loses sight of Michael, quickens his pace, rounds a corner, and runs into Victor Creed. The two eye the other up and down, sensing each others power.

Victor smiles that evil smile, brandishing his claws.

Lucian, seeing that Victor is no ordinary human, shucks his coat and transforms into Lycan form.

h2h combat, to the death, who wins here?

Rogue Jedi
Shit, wrong forum, requesting to be moved.

Lucian stomps him.

I'm leaning towards Creed. That's because I don't have much respect for Underworld Lycans in general, except for Hybrids.

I'm undecided though, lets see what Lycan feats people can come up with.

Creed ftw

Rogue Jedi
The main feat for Lucian is him fighting the wild lycans in the latest Underworld flick. When he saves Sonja, remember?

Lycans are fully capable of running on any surface, even upside down. They're also so physically strong that vampire's almost always avoid physical combat, since most will get destroyed. I can't really remember any lycan feats though, they focused more on the main characters than the masses. Lucian kept up with a speeding vehicle. Yeah, not many feats. But a lycan is easily stronger than Creed, faster, and can't really be hurt except with silver.

Rogue Jedi
I'm going with Lucian, he took on Lycans while in human form and pwned.

If Creed doesn't get his X-men feats then you could say Lycans are stronger (still arguable). However, in X-men one, Creed does uproot this massive tree and swings it at Wolvie like a bat, and thats a pretty good feat that I think you'll find hard to match by a Lycan, or maybe not, I'll wait and see.

Creed is pretty fast too you know, like when he chased Cyke, he can also wallcrawl very fast. But I think I'd agree Lycans were even faster, but not to the point where it's like "omg what will Creed do" fast.

Rogue Jedi
Good point, but the Lycans (The ones inferior to Lucian) were running on the walls of the canyons, chasing Sonja, and they ran down a horse running at full speed. I'll look for a youtube link.

They also heal from any damage Creed can inflict faster than he does. When they were cage fighting at the lycan lair and Lucian broke it up, they were fully healed before they were all the way human, and that only took a few seconds.

Rogue Jedi
Forgot that part. And those were Lucians suboordinates, surely he will heal faster. The scene where Selene shoots him, remember?

Rogue Jedi
I found this vid, but it doesnt show the canyon chase scene:


Originally posted by KingD19
They also heal from any damage Creed can inflict faster than he does. When they were cage fighting at the lycan lair and Lucian broke it up, they were fully healed before they were all the way human, and that only took a few seconds.

That's where I'd have to disagree. Lycans have been shown to be killed with a hand through the abdomen. In X-men I, Sabes gets all 6 adamantium claws right in the chest and the only sign that he was affected was with a mighty roar. He kept fighting after that. He also gets hit with a bolt of ligntning and looks like he is completely recovered after he lands.

Sabes healing factor is on par with Wolverines, if not better. So I don't know if you can use Wolvie's HF feats here (probably doesn't have any feats that better what I mentioned anyway).

Rogue Jedi
I meant to say only Origins Sabretooth counts, but I see no problem with including Sabretooth from X1.

They were killed because a vampire ages older than them drove his hand completely through their heart. And those were the weaker 3rd generation lycans.

Rogue Jedi
Yup, far from Lucians level.

That actually wouldn't have worked on Lucian, especially since Victor was afraid of him.

Rogue Jedi
I dont get why he was afraid of Viktor, or that he was afraid of him at all. He pwned him in Rise of the Lycans.

Tattoos N Scars
Viktor was a very powerful vampire. In the first movie, he pwned one Lycan by lifting it by the throat and snapping its next. Viktor also was getting the best of Michael Corvin, one on one. The only reason he went down was because Selene got the jump on him with the sword.

Lucian managed to nearly kill Viktor in a straight up fight. I think that says volumes about Lucian's ability. I would rank him as number 3 in the Underworld series....1. Selene(after drinking Corvinus' blood) 2. Markus. 3. Lucian and Michael Corvin(Corvin improved a lot in the second movie)

As for the fight, Lucian can KO him, but he has to watch out for those claws...they can and will rip a Lycan up. I say Lucian can take it..more often than not.

He was afraid of Lucian because he was the perfect Lycan, able to change at will, and any mindless lycan was his to control. Before that, he was afraid of him because he knew lycans were bad ass, he remembered what William did to his ranks.

And yes, Viktor is powerful, that was Raze he killed, the black one, and one of the oldest lycans besides Lucian.

Now the only reason Viktor was beatin Micheal is because it was Micheal's 1st time as a Hybrid, he was also extremely inexperienced in combat, since he's only 20-something, and he was training to be a nurse. If you look at the fight, Micheal is so fast Viktor can't keep up at first, but once his inexperience shows, Viktor capitalizes on it.

Rogue Jedi
Originally posted by Tattoos N Scars
Viktor was a very powerful vampire. In the first movie, he pwned one Lycan by lifting it by the throat and snapping its next. Viktor also was getting the best of Michael Corvin, one on one. The only reason he went down was because Selene got the jump on him with the sword.

Lucian managed to nearly kill Viktor in a straight up fight. I think that says volumes about Lucian's ability. I would rank him as number 3 in the Underworld series....1. Selene(after drinking Corvinus' blood) 2. Markus. 3. Lucian and Michael Corvin(Corvin improved a lot in the second movie)

As for the fight, Lucian can KO him, but he has to watch out for those claws...they can and will rip a Lycan up. I say Lucian can take it..more often than not. Lucian 10/10, bro, he's too much for Creed.

Tattoos N Scars
Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
Lucian 10/10, bro, he's too much for Creed.

I don't disagree. However, I'm not sure Lucian will have a strength advantage. Remember in the first X-men movie, Creed bitchslapped Logan, causing him to fly I don't know how far....almost KO'd Logan.

In Rise of the Lycans, Viktor, who was much younger than in Underworld, tossed a man across the room with no effort. Lucian was stronger than that by the time Underworld came around. He can toss Creed like a rag doll.

Originally posted by Tattoos N Scars
I don't disagree. However, I'm not sure Lucian will have a strength advantage. Remember in the first X-men movie, Creed bitchslapped Logan, causing him to fly I don't know how far....almost KO'd Logan.

He did KO Logan. wink

Rogue Jedi
With a tree trunk.

Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
With a tree trunk.

I already said that. wink

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