Vodo Siosk-Baas runs the gauntlet

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Lord Stark
I am curious where people view him in the powerscale.

1. Saesee Tiin
2. Qui-Gon
3. Luminara Unduli
4. Kit Fisto
5. Ventress
6. Plo Koon
7. Savage
8. Maul (Peak with saberstaff)

Bonus Round: Mace Windu

Scenario 1: He uses his cane
Scenario 2: He uses his lightsaber.

Done at five, or possibly done at 6.

Its hard to gauge given his sparse dueling feats. But he should probably be done in by Ventress's speed/Makashi combo, and there is no real way I see him breaking Plo's defense.

He would clear if Maul didn't have his saber staff... Doesn't beat the bonus round though

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