Count Dooku vs Obi Wan Kenobi from The Kenobi show Amped

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Dooku at peak vs Obi Wan from kenobi show amped when he defeated vader. Who wins in the following:

1. H2H
2. Sabers only
3. Force powers
4. All out fight anything goes

When exactly was Dooku at his peak? Certainly couldn't have been when he was in his 80's.

Total Warrior
Why not? Sidious reached his peak at 110+

Wasn't it stated somewhere in canon that Dooku was getting weaker?

Originally posted by juggernaut74
Certainly couldn't have been when he was in his 80's.

1. Kenobi, no contest. Amped Kenobi was physically strong enough to grapple with Darth Vader and even stagger him. Dooku is a frail old man.

2. RotS Obi-Wan was already Dooku's equal as a duelist. Dooku could not overcome Obi-Wan's saber defense in RotS, and could only answer Kenobi by dispatching him with the Force. Without that option here, Dooku's now facing someone with a comparable level of skill, but far better physicality. If amped Obi-Wan was able to stagger Vader, who is normally portrayed as an immovable rock in combat, Dooku is absolutely going to buckle under that level of assault.

3. This is Dooku's best chance, thanks to Force lightning. RotS Kenobi used to be in ragdoll range for Dooku, but Kenobi's amp boosted him not only to Dooku's level, but far above it (Kenobi went from being trashed by Vader's tk to trashing Vader with his own tk). Without tutaminus, Kenobi can't reliably deal with Forcd lightning, but if he keeps the telekinetic pressure on Dooku like he did against Vader, Dooku is going to have a seriously hard time pulling it off. I'd say 50/50 here.

4. All out, it's Kenobi's game. Comparable lightsaber skill, far greater physical performance, greater strength in the Force, and a demonstrated ability to block Dooku's lightning with his lightsaber in AotC. Dooku has nothing here.

Total Warrior

H2H: Dunno, Kenobi probably

Sabers: Kenobi maybe

Force: Dooku

All-out: Dooku in a close fight

Dooku in all

Dooku in all. Kenobi during ROTS already could match Anakin in h2h, while, basing on ROTS comic or novel, would be stomped by Dooku physicall strack. Yes, it's hardly a canon, yet their last TCW encounter supports it. And event before their fight, Kenobi owerpowered Anakin in h2h as Rako.

Kenobi almost always shines against Anakin, despite being overall much interior fighter. Might be due to Kenobi top level in-fight intelligence. He knows Anakin perfectly, and unlike Anakin, is capable to use that as his advantage. That is not a factor against Count Dooku whi humiliates him everytime they see each other

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