Batman god-like?

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saw this back on a cap vs bats thread that was posted by Draco69...


Batman is a master of Haragei, a master who has expanded his physical senses over this plane of existence to another and thus becoming hyper aware of his surroundings without appearing to really being anything different from others. He is keenly aware of everything going on around him and also the microscopic and the astral world around himself. Furthermore he can feel that world around himself and thus being one of the most difficult targets for telepathy and also telepathic obfuscation. Along these lines the Bat has learnt and masters both the Sakki and Kiai. Kiai is the ability to feel the intent and thus be able to act accordingly. However Sakki is the force of the intention and with these three pillars the Bat can take the physical battle to another level, to the psychological, the mental plane. The Sakki and Kiai, completed with the mastery of Haragei can be used as physical weapons, a force of wills where every blow is even stronger than the physical ones. As a ninja and a master of haragei, Batman has learnt to cope without his sensory input, making him able to fight and function without any sort of handicap should he lose his sight or hearing, or other senses. The fact is that the Bat is far beyond the human senses and even though they are handy, they're not needed.

Chi is another facet and a tactic the Batman uses, much like Sakki, it can be projected through the combat. Batman has been shown, on numerous occasions, to be able to perform feats impossible to humans. He has been shown to kick down trees, punch through concrete and mortar walls. He has been shown to be able to lift up a stone totem that weighed over a ton. He can project his Chi out of his body and aid him physically, because of this it is no big feat for him to punch through living trees and walls. By focusing his Chi inside his body he can ignore the physical damage and pain he receives. Through his training, Batman has trained himself to ignore exhaustion, sleep deprivation, emotions and also pain and agony. To anyone looking at the Bat, there is nothing remotely human about him other than the chin. As a Bat, when under control, he feels no emotions, no fear, no love, he is completely indifferent to the world around himself and thus he is in tune with it as Tao teaches. He flows from one motion to another in the river of life, this granting him the sixth sense, intuism he always listens to, the thing that has saved his life on many occasions.

This form, this Tao was taught to him by Mistress Shao-La in the Himalayas. Bruce Wayne had heard about a master with great power residing in the mountains and the young boy wanted to learn more. He went to the master who'd teach him the Tao and also self-control. The light side of this force would give him the control over his emotions and the ability to be in tune with the world, but it wasn't enough for him. Bruce Wayne wanted power, true power and after Shao-La told him about Master H'Sien Tan he would venture out there and learn.

From H'Sien Tan Bruce Wayne learnt the path of personal power. He learnt from the man that he had two destinies and by choosing one of them he'd receive everything he had ever wanted and the second would make him nearly omnipotent. This path would be the path of personal power he sought to avenge and to protect. In time it would also consume him. This little story is part of the package H'Sien Tan taught Bruce. The acceptance. The acceptance of one's fate, one's death and one's power. It was also a craft he taught to Bruce, to know, to feel the world and the energies around himself, to harness those energies and glean answers from them. This form of spiritualism has served Bruce well, but also it has twisted him and he has found ways to distort it, making him appear the victim even if he has wanted it. From H'Sien Tan he also learnt a way to control himself, not just his emotions but his body. Bruce is capable of, instinctually, command his body to stop bleeding, force healing on himself and even more importantly, he is able to ignore the toll exhaustion and the lack of sleep inflicts on him. Also Tan taught him the way to slow down his heart, the flow of his blood, to the level of dying and yet remaining alive.

The dark forces of Tao, the greed, is a powerful mistress and because of this the person who wields these arts needs to be mentally strong to wrest the control lest it controls him in his path to power. This dark art comprises partly of alchemy and magic mixed in with the mental control and hypnotism and this is the most formidable teaching Tan had to give Bruce.

Batman is able to force his presence on others, much like the way the Wrath of God appears. He can grow in people's minds, project his terror on them and destroy their minds, but at the same time he can push his presence inwardly and just disappear from their mind's eye, right in front of them and none will know how nor why. Furthermore he has learnt the power of suggestion, the ability to appear as something else to anyone and this is the key behind his quick costume changes and his disappearances. To add to this, his skills in these arts have given him a willpower matched by nearly none as he can ignore anything and go through stone and rock. The last skill Tan gave to Bruce was the art of the Tiger Fist, a punch so powerful it can rend through mountains, a skill, an art known to only 5 people on Earth and only 2 of them survive 'til this day.

As a ninja, a shadow assassin, Batman has been taught to use his surroundings to his advantage and so he knows when there are people in the correct vantage points, he knows how to conceal himself so that he is virtually invisible and he knows the ways to use the surroundings offensively. This lesson is part of the reason why the Bat was created in this visage. Bruce knows the hearts of the men and he can defeat them before engaging them in combat. In ancient times in Japan, the warrior caste, the Samurai, used the Ninja because their honor couldn't handle the deceitful tactics. However, Batman has no qualms with this and actually he uses quite a lot of deception as he does his work. Chu Chin Li and later on David Cain taught him the assassination tactics and skills, so he is aware of how a possible assassin will work and will think, and he can prepare against these situations.

Japanese sword fighting or Kendo is part of the Bushido class and way of life and also practiced by Batman and Bruce Wayne. From Bushido and Taothe Batman has taken the meditation skills taught to him by Shao-La for clearing his mind and his conscience, even if Alfred tends to call it brooding. Many a time the Bat has solved a case while meditating or sleeping, which is quite the same thing for him as he utilizes the sleeping techniques Shao-La taught him.

The ways of the Shadow Warrior are quite many and there are different rumors and different legends about the ninjas, and when concerning the Bat most of them hold true. However the main thing about the ninja is that they're adaptable and Batman has taken this strategy in his heart and cherishes it. He adapts to any situation and if he isn't able to conquer, he will find another way to do it.


Batman is THE man

Batman is God Like if that's what you are asking

God-Like and the best superhero character ever. Altho Supes is cool too.

word ^ i hear that im sicka people always sayin shyt like batmans overated....n that he doesnt have powers....NO he doesnt have "powers" but he has skills that he had to work and train for to get....and uses stealth to his advantage...i mean he didnt just get his power from the sun like superman n have heat vision n 100ton+ strength, or get bitten by a radioactive spider by chance like spiderman n get superhuman strength agility n web shooters, or born a mutant or ne bullshyt like that..hes real, hes believable...and he kicks ass...and thats y hes always been my favorite comic character...even when i was little i knew he didnt have "powers" but there was something mysterious, something hidden about him that drew me to him that made me really like him n still like him to this day....(esp. cuz of Batman Begins which kicked ass), n everything i just listed in this thread was what that something was....just cuz something doesnt appear to be great or mightful, or "super" doesnt mean it isnt....

dont judge a book by its cover ;p

If Batman does not train his body will turn to flab. If he is not fully in touch with all his senses he will be too late. Bruce Wayne has made himself invincible, immortal, he trained himself to become more than a man...he trained to become a Legend. He is Vengeance. He is the Night. He is BATMAN!

He's the ultimate fighter. And greatest Detective. wink

best superhero EVER!

Batman isnt overrated, he could beat Galactus..............


with prep...haha

but he could never beat spidey says havok as he runs for cover while waiting for the fanboys to respond big grin

Spidey would mop the floor with Batman, I think Batman is cool but spidey would kill him...........

i agree but try telling that to mercilious or jinzin or some of these other guys

Originally posted by willRules
Spidey would mop the floor with Batman, I think Batman is cool but spidey would kill him........... laughing out loud

But he beat the entire JLA on several occasions, even though they are almost all on godlike levels

Originally posted by havok801125
but he could never beat spidey says havok as he runs for cover while waiting for the fanboys to respond big grin

Parker wouldn't last 5 mnutes in the DCU.
Even the less powered DC heroes and villains are either on par with or WAY more powerful than most of Marvel Earth616 charachters

word up....i hear that! wink

Originally posted by eleveninches
Parker wouldn't last 5 mnutes in the DCU.
Even the less powered DC heroes and villains are either on par with or WAY more powerful than most of Marvel Earth616 charachters

I beg to differ.....peter has lasted longer against the hulk....i'd like to see the DCU universe last longer against the hulk.....

But look at the villains parker fights against. Nowhere near as powerful as the ones the JLA fight against quite often

Originally posted by havok801125
i agree but try telling that to mercilious or jinzin or some of these other guys

yeah just try..batman would DEEEEESTROYYYYYYY spidey.....

no actually I thought it was a tie between the two remember..I just kept arguing for bat's favor because nobody was giving him any damned respect...

Same here

Originally posted by eleveninches
But look at the villains parker fights against. Nowhere near as powerful as the ones the JLA fight against quite often That's powerful lame right there.
Spidey = 1 person
JLA = a small army packed with god like characters
Do the math. The JLA SHOULD fight more powerful foes.

Originally posted by braz
saw this back on a cap vs bats thread that was posted by Draco69


From H'Sien Tan Bruce Wayne learnt the path of personal power. He learnt from the man that he had two destinies and by choosing one of them he'd receive everything he had ever wanted and the second would make him nearly omnipotent. This path would be the path of personal power he sought to avenge and to protect. In time it would also consume him. This little story is part of the package H'Sien Tan taught Bruce. The acceptance. The acceptance of one's fate, one's death and one's power. It was also a craft he taught to Bruce, to know, to feel the world and the energies around himself, to harness those energies and glean answers from them. This form of spiritualism has served Bruce well, but also it has twisted him and he has found ways to distort it, making him appear the victim even if he has wanted it. From H'Sien Tan he also learnt a way to control himself, not just his emotions but his body. Bruce is capable of, instinctually, command his body to stop bleeding, force healing on himself and even more importantly, he is able to ignore the toll exhaustion and the lack of sleep inflicts on him. Also Tan taught him the way to slow down his heart, the flow of his blood, to the level of dying and yet remaining alive.

Batman is able to force his presence on others, much like the way the Wrath of God appears. He can grow in people's minds, project his terror on them and destroy their minds, but at the same time he can push his presence inwardly and just disappear from their mind's eye, right in front of them and none will know how nor why. Furthermore he has learnt the power of suggestion, the ability to appear as something else to anyone and this is the key behind his quick costume changes and his disappearances. To add to this, his skills in these arts have given him a willpower matched by nearly none as he can ignore anything and go through stone and rock. The last skill Tan gave to Bruce was the art of the Tiger Fist, a punch so powerful it can rend through mountains, a skill, an art known to only 5 people on Earth and only 2 of them survive 'til this day.

He adapts to any situation and if he isn't able to conquer, he will find another way to do it.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That looks great, but it's a tad much. Some cats on here see it and think it's the absolute truth, but some of that is going too far. That "Batman is able to force his presence on others, much like the way the Wrath of God appears. He can grow in people's minds, project his terror on them and destroy their minds" part is pretty much only useful on the "superstitious and cowardly" common criminals who are easy to scare to begin with. Try this on a Deathstroke or Shiva or even a Hal Jordan and see what happens. The "Through his training, Batman has trained himself to ignore exhaustion, sleep deprivation, emotions and also pain and agony" part, if true(it's not) would've meant that fatigue would've not been a factor @ all in his backbreaking encounter with Bane. It was. Bane orchestrated all that s**t to make Batman tired. It worked. Batman is an extraordinary and skilled human, but @ the end of the day, he is still HUMAN. To try to ignore that takes away from one of the things that makes him who he is and makes him great.

Originally posted by jinzin
yeah just try..batman would DEEEEESTROYYYYYYY spidey.....

no actually I thought it was a tie between the two remember..I just kept arguing for bat's favor because nobody was giving him any damned respect... To be honest, it seems like you have to think of Batman as a god for some people to think you respect him. Batman is one of my absolute favorites. I usually put him & Nightwing(who I think is a tad bit cooler) on my top ten lists. I honestly don't think he can beat a Spidey that's not holding back without some serious prep. Doesn't mean I don't respect Bats. Spidey is my ABSOLUTE favorite, but I know there are characters who would absolutely mop the floor w/him. Doesn't make me like him any less. One thing about Spidey more than almost any other hero is that he can lose and still be cool as a MFer, his popularity isn't based on the misconception that he can beat anybody.

What was said about batman training himself to ignore exhaustion, sleep deprivation, emotions and also pain and agony" are all true because if they were not true batman would not have gone weeks before becoming exhusted. This statement would have been false if batman just went 2 hours of fight before becoming exhusted. And you would have been right...batman going weeks on end with out sleep is least in the comic sense..u dig

Then how'd he become exhausted in the 1st place? And once he did, how come he didn't just ignore it?laughing

dude screw comic talkin batman begins..who uses fear as his weapon, forces his presence on others and grows in their mind scaring the living hell out of them....not gay little gray n blue tights batman with robin with the short green skirt.......and btw brainchild, Batman CAN ignore exhaustion, and pain and agony and sleep deprivation or fatigue....cuz, remember when he first walks in the league of shadows monestary, ducard says "are you reday to begin", when theyre talkin about fear and knocks his ass on the floor when Bruce said he could hardly even stand from climbing up the yea he can ignore sleep deprivation..he was trained to...

He's trained to work through sleep deprivation as long as he possibly can, but he'll still eventually succumb. The fear thing works on the weak minded only. None of the ninjas were afraid of him(lamest fights ever). Scarecrow became scared ONLY after the gas.

true, yea i see what your sayin, i feel ya. like he is only human and his body will eventually shut down regardless of what he says with his mind, but im just sayin...over most people in the world, and even prolly like olympic athletes, he has waay more stamina and can stay in a long time. and as far as the fear thing...yea the ninjas may not be afraid of em cuz they were trained like him, but he still took on four of em at once n won..but yea scarecrow took bats down ill give em that, but he eventually fell in the end when he synthesized an antedote wink and plus.............
what about falcone and all the thugs armed with machine guns.??? he took em all down

You sure Batman synthesized it? You might wanna watch it again. Giving him a little bit too much credit again?

i meant, he had it synthesized....or rather, lucius fox did..he didnt do it himself, but how could he do it he was trippin like a mofo

Now, now...I love the Batman, he is the greatest character ever, and I don't doubt he would have a Chance against Spider-Man....that is if he had enough time to actually analyse him, if not and it is a one on one fight, thjere's not much chance for the Dark Knioght, Spidey is faster and Stronger.

As for Batman being God-Like I don't really know.....he might seem overpowered onvce in a while when fighting against Superman or somethign but in teh end it'S always tricks he uses, he as a person has no chance against Superman if it wasn't for his little Gadgets or Kryptonite (The Dark Knight Returns, Hush ....). After all he is jsut human and can be beat (Bane), harmed (Hush, Joker, ...) or in other ways hurt (Killing Joke, Death in the Family, War Games).
He is a great Heroe and no doubt he deserves to be up in the Top Three of both Universes, but youi ahve to look at him from a different standpoint, he is not Godlike like Superman, Wonder Woman, Green lantern, Hulk, Thor or Iron Man (I am not theat Big on Marvel so forgive me if I missed one of there God Like heroes)

Good post

Batman survived an attack by a mind-controlled superman, so parker would have NO CHANCE IN HELL

Originally posted by eleveninches
Batman survived an attack by a mind-controlled superman, so parker would have NO CHANCE IN HELL

Now, he knows Superman really good though, he was weakened by the Mind Control and Batman had Kryptonite.

If Parker just met Batsy it would be an advantage for him....Batman would get better and better each second he can analyze Spidey but he can only win if he last long if we are talking Prep-Tie it is a whole different thing.

I dont think batman had kryptonite on him. He realised that clark was about t attack him, so he alligned his arm and the alarm button with the location of superman, so that as soon as superman charged him, batman set off the alarm without having to move by himself

that Batman...he's a god dang genius! even Superman fear him

so he could clearly take down most of the street-level marvel charachters

yeah...Daredevil, Spiderman, the guy with the unbreakable claws and loves to say Bub.


Batman is more than just a man............ he's a living legend.

Originally posted by eleveninches
I dont think batman had kryptonite on him. He realised that clark was about t attack him, so he alligned his arm and the alarm button with the location of superman, so that as soon as superman charged him, batman set off the alarm without having to move by himself
Hmm..what Batman/Superman fight are you refering to?

The one in his mindlaughing

Originally posted by Bardock42
Hmm..what Batman/Superman fight are you refering to? THe one where supes was being mind-controlled by max-lord and attacked batman on the JLA watchtower.

Originally posted by eleveninches
THe one where supes was being mind-controlled by max-lord and attacked batman on the JLA watchtower. Hm....what issue was that...what time...have not heard of it ....but sure possible......can you outline the fight.....?

it was in sacrife, only a couple of months ago in various superman comics. Bats saw supes and realised he was about to attack, so he alligned his hand inbetween superman and the alarm button. Supes attacked, and sent batman flying into the alarm button, releasing sentry drones to attack supes and call in the rest of the JLA. batman now has loads of scars from supes (heat vision scars, thumbprints of supes burned into his skin etc...)

So he didn't win the fight...but he outsmarted him......ok.....oh and what scars? Did they show that?

yeah. go and buy a superman or batman comic and you might know what you are talking about

Originally posted by eleveninches
yeah. go and buy a superman or batman comic and you might know what you are talking about

Well I don't have the possibilities to read the current american issues...I quite know my stuff from Knightfall to Wargames though....

But still what scars are they refering to...and what fights? You could just state the occurences of fights Batman and Superman had and the scars Batman has from them.....

its the scars from their most recent 'sacrifice' encounter

Batman Almighty.

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