What's wrong with LOTR?

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eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek! eek!

Right, we all know that LOTR's great. But you have to admit: it does have it's faults. For instance, in TTT movie, one of the Uruk-Hai says 'Meat's back on the menu boys!'. I seriously doubt that they would have spoken of menus in a place like Middle-Earth. It's a bad line, has no relevance at all and it isn't in Tolkien. So shame on them for that. What do you think's wrong with the movies/books?

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr we've had this thread already...........about LOTR characters using modern day terms

I could care less. I thought the books were'nt ASTOUNDING like some have said before, FOTR was okay, TTT was the best of the three and ROTK was pretty bad, it gave no detail on the final battle, and it focused on Merry and Pippin for much of the book, that is bad. The movies so far have been far superior in my opinoin.

The only thing i didn't like about LotR was in TTT when Legolas used his shield as a skateboard and went down the stairs on it. That was so dumb, not middle earthy, and it seemed like a way to get teenage boys to like the movie.

Don't be so critical, man. Be not so hasty. Nay, consider the greater scheme of things that are.

He who doth strife shall thus not love
To be great you must rise above
Such petty things, so trival
For then to you shall truth reveal
The way things are and how should be
Only then will you truly see
Do not despair, but take delight
For then will you be in the right!

Can you say NITPICKING!

i like what another smithy said. i love the books and think the are the greatest works of fiction ever written, but i agree with smithy when he said that in the final battle you dont know what happens since pippen gets nocked out. in that respect ROTK the movie should be much better. Tolkien also did the same thing during the battle of five armies when bilbo blacked out.

I don't like the Fact they cut some really important things out of both the movies, from the book. Such as the Gift Giving, and how they added The Elves Showing up at Helm's deep in the Movie. Totally ruined that scene. It was supposed to show the human's strentgh and bravery, about their vistory that they could do it alone without anyone helping, such as the Elves.

I know. I still don't understand why they did that. I mean, in the books, there were a few thousands of men at Helm's Deep, but the movie made them only with 300 men. I still don't get that. Why couldn't they have left the charge to Erkenbrand? But anyway... It did kind of such that Tolkien had Bilbo and Pippin both blackout in the middle of a battle. Funny thing is, they both happened when the eagles were commiing... Now isn't that odd? I only just realized that...

again it is FANTASY, Middle Earth looks a lot like the medieval times from our world, but it aren't the medievals, Fantasy does not equal the medievals

The amount of men life with Theoden WAS a tad low. I couldntt believe Eomer seem to have taken ten times more men with him than stayed with the King! It changed the dynamic from the books but it allowed PJ to do what he wanted to do in having more scenes with the Elves who are very popular so it was a fair enough move.

ya with the popularity of elves it was probably a good move on his part. I kind of get the feeling tolkien didnt like writting battle sequences. true he has written a lot of them, but when it comes down to it they are always summed up in one chapter. i think he preffered building plot leading up to the battles.

it isn't very easy to make a good reading giant battle, not many writters make them very long, cause it usualy gets unclear or boring

Too true, too true. But I'm complaining, because I love the books the way they are. It is odd, though, that both Bilbo and Pippin blacked out when the eagles were coming.

one part that bothers me in TTT... i know this is nitpicking but still... the part where aragorn and gimli jump across to fight some uruk-hai (where aragorn has to "toss" gimli) you notice that all the uruk-hai just stand and wait in line to be slaughtered hahaha

well i dont think they are the smartest of fellas

OKay..I'm prob the only person who would notice this, but when in TTT they ride out, none of their horses fall, and they totally would with all the bodies on the floor, and they never trip.

- and also in the FOTR, when the cave troll is looking for Frodo and he's backing around the pillar, you see Merry and pippin standing there in the background.

ya they are standing in the background. you would think they would be hiding on the other side plus there eyes and head would be following the troll instead of just staring into the distance.

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
umm smeagol i think i haf to disagree with you. how would you know they didn't talk like that...your just assuming. nobody knows for sure here. Only Tolkien, knows he's the one who created middle earth.

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
umm smeagol i think i haf to disagree with you. how would you know they didn't talk like that...your just assuming. nobody knows for sure here. Only Tolkien, knows he's the one who created middle earth. mad
so i don't think that you should be assuming things that you don't know or haf the slightest clue to.
and like theres no harm in using modern day terms here...its the present here...so wut? the movies are good you don't haf to be so picky....you enjoyed it didn't you thats all that counts. duh...

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
caline, so wut if it wasn't middle earthy like , it was a cool move. did you haf a problem when he did that move getting on the horse when they were fighting the orcs near helms deep? it wasn't middle earthy either was it...why would you say that it was a way to get teenage boys to like a movie? lots of ppl thought that move was cool, not onli teenage boys...adults liked it, kids liked and so did old ppl. your just to picky, its only one move, its not like he didn't for every fighting scene was it?

boy dont get all defensive here. i totally get what smeagol is saying. how in the world would uruk-hai know what a menu is after all i highly doubt any of them went into a place to eat and ordered off a menu. but you are right i enjoyed it emensly, and because they are my most favorite films i kind of look over them with a finer toothed comb then any other movie.

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
i knwo wut he means....i'm not stupid...but like that qoute was put in as a reason... form that qoute you can tell that the uruk-kai are like to eat meat and are barbaric . but its not like the qoute destroyed the whole movie. and who would listen so carefully if they like the movie...its like who cares..its a mistake get over it...wut does he do? listen ever so carefully while watching the movie...how can a person enjoy a movie?

I am respondong to "Another Smithy's" comments about the Lord of the Rings book. You say that it is not as astounding as SOME have said. I am afraid that you are mistaken because EVERYONE with any sort of knowledge and appreciation of brilliant literature will say that the Lord of the Rings is one of the most in depth and detailed books ever written. Tolkien's style of writing is so painstakingly precise and meticulous that it feels more like a historical documentary than a work of fiction. So please, dont mistake your own inferiority for the book's.

ok you guys i dont agree w/some of the things that have been said either, but we dont need to shoot people because of their opinions. they have a right to think that, and you can say you disagree, but you dont need to call them complete idiots because of it.

billy has a point here.

<hege: I agree with you that LOTR is probably the best book ever written but smithy is entitled to his own opinion on the matter no reason to attack him

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
yo " billyboyd4ever" tell us who your directing your opinion to?

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
(smithy) wut do you mean the book mostly focused on pippin and merry. IN the FOTR the book was basically focused on Frodo and Sam wasn't it? in the TTT it was mostly focused on Aragron. so basically each book is mostly focused on a different character..rite? huh

and in ROTK?

I agree with you. Everybody has the right to their own opinion. if we all liked and disliked the same things it would be a pretty boring world. Not everyone who reads the LOTR trilogy is going to like it. I absolutely hated the FOTR the first time i read it. the only reason i read the rest of the books was because i wanted to know what happened after i saw the first movie and didn't want to wait. After i read it a second time i still didn't like the FOTR as much as the other two books. so does that mean my opinion of the book is wrong?? i don't think so. People think differently then others do. So stop bringing people down on their opinions

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
actually "fire" its mostly focused on pippin and merry. in the book it doesn't talk about frodo and sam very much except when they're in shelob's home. and of course when they're about to destroy the ring. the book is mostly about the great battle of middle earth. stick out tongue

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
yo apple daisy. i'm not picking a fight here and all but there's lots of ppl disagreeing about other ppl's opinions thats why you tell ppl why you think its wrong...there's no rule that says you can't disagree with other ppl's opinion. so tell me exactly wut you trying to tell me. that no one should ever tell someone that they're is wrong. lots of ppl haf there freedom to say wutever they want. unless you think thats bad.

freedom of speech isn't bad. It's when you are putting people down for their opinion like Hegemon875 did when he said:

"You say that it is not as astounding as SOME have said. I am afraid that you are mistaken because EVERYONE with any sort of knowledge and appreciation of brilliant literature will say that the Lord of the Rings is one of the most in depth and detailed books ever written...... So please, dont mistake your own inferiority for the book's."

That's what i'm talking about. saying someone is wrong because they don't like the same thing you do. Hegemon875 basically said that if you don't like LOTR trilogy then you are stupid.

we've had worse

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
so apple daisy what you mean is that if ppl say things that they think are wrong it's puttin down ppls opinions? isn't that wut the person thinks of wut someone else thinks?

let me give you an example, since i don't think you get wut i mean.

lets say, i say that your dumb and stupid...than someone else says that your not; does that mean that person is putting down someone's opinion? i think that's just the persons opinion.mad

so don't go blabbering about wut ppl can't say or not say..it's their "opinion" remember!
so basically wut i'm writing is my own "opinion" right? i don't agree with you is that putting someone down...i don't think so at all...i bet you've been disagreeing things with ppl, so does that mean your putting down their opinion.? tell me that. so next time i don't think you should tell ppl wut to say or not to say. mad

ppl cool it

you can not be putting someone down, even if it si your opinion

you will not be allowed to be verbaly abusive to ppl so NO name calling OK?

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
shut up fire..who's name calling it called an example...and no one is puttig ppl down its called opinion.

look I've seen abusive language in this thread

and I advise everyone not to do it again

you have the right to an opinion you do however NOT have the right to be abusive to other ppl

exactly. it's alright to have an opinion as long as it's not putting someone down or calling them stupid, or whatever.

ya damit peeple! quit yer bein jerks and bichin damit!

I think that the reason for the elfs coming to helms deep is to show that men dont stand alone, remember, when Theoden and Aragorn were talking and Theoden said "We are not as lucky with friends as you". Ya and when the Rohiririum was running down to helms deep 1st of all the horses could not Gallop down a hill that steep and 2nd the first row of hoses would be killed by the spears that the Uruk-hi held. 1 other thing that i noticed was that when Aragorn fell off the cliff into the water then he would of sank down to the bottom of the river with all that armor he was wearing and sword. But other than that the books and the movie were great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Dance

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
you know wut i give up ok...you win wutever you were trying to proove i can't stand it any more, with all the opinion crap and putting ppl down shit. you know wut this forum is things that are wrong with LOTR not for agruements that have nothing to do with LOTR..ok? so if you want to proove your worthless point make up your own forum.

come on guys! kiss & make upwink u are so busy fighting u have forgotten what u were discussing about the books & movies lol .so no more attacking people please!!! if u want to be angry, just be angry at Peter Jackson.he is the one who was responsible for changing things in the books, if it really bothers u

They can ride down a slope that steep because they are the Rohirrim, that's the point. And Gandalf's bright light meant the Uruk-Hai's spears were no longer in position to kill the horses.

But yes, people, please clam down. I utterly disagree about the comment on Tolkien's literature being the best myself- Tokien had a great imagination and attention to detial but he is far from the best author I have ever read and the books are of variable quality at different times. There is no uniformity of agreement- especially inside the literary community- of Tolkien being the best or even close.

tolkien the greatest author of all time? i would say so since he is my favorite but the is a highly personalized decision and i am sure that most people in literary comunities would strongly disagree. i think i prefer it because i dont know of any author that has the depth to their work. it is all one huge story he wrote over his entire life. i dont think any author has ever done that, but then again i am no literary scholar.

I never said that it was Tolkien fault hes awesome, and I didn't mean to upset that one person I was in a hurry to write something and missed the page they all began to argue, but anyways it can be very easy to make one little mistake in such big movies. And especially if PJ coulden't be at every set filming it.

One thing I can say I hate are the times in the books when the people burst out in song, because you have no idea what the beat or the tone or even the melody is! But then again it does give you an idea of the characters and they had nothing else to do so they might as well sing shifty

I know really! The songs usually were boring and some were sssssoooooooooo long it was crazy! sleep And some of them really confused me and when it went back to the story, I was lost! huh

well in my version the songds and poems are printed in a different fond, and with white space all around them so I can skip them, as I do

In Smithy's post he states that the book gave no detail about the last battle. From this comment and his unappreciative attitude toward the books you can infer that he read the books because of what he saw on the big screen, hack and slash action. Well I'm sorry that is not what it's about it's much deeper than that. Not to say that violence is not a part of the story but if that's what you largely expected then you're reading the wrong book.
When I said he was inferior it was my opinion (which is what you are all saying should be respected) that because he was not at the level at which he could appreciate the books, I repeat APPRECIATE not LIKE, that he was in fact an inferior critic of Literature not an inferior person. I admit that I should have specified that before submitting the reply it would have avoided the misunderstanding.

I just wanted to thank the only person who didn't attack my opinion and understood what I was trying to say, so thank you PR3c!ou$.

Heg nobody attacked your opinion all we did was saying that you couldn't put it like that

[\/]Y PR3c!ou$
your welcome heg..but in my opinion i thnk that fire has no right to tell you wut you should put down.or not to put down...it's basically all starting this opinion thing all over again....and this half of this reply is to appledaisy.....she should also comment on the remark since she was the one that brought up the opinion thing. dont' you think....and aslo tell me appledaisy why didn't you write to this remark? fire is putting someone's opinion down isn't he or appledaisy are you just so damn stupid to realize wuts happening. ppl bring other ppl's opinion down...ppl do this everyday goddamnit. ya well thats all i haf to say...and fire don't tell ppl wut they should rite...appledaisy would understand wut i mean wouldn't she? and appledaisy I know this is old news but you should be reading it shouldn't you, your the one who's defending ppl from me and fire so that we don't put someone's opinon down...and so far the only person i haf put down is you?

the only problem i had with the movies was some of the things they left out but they couldn't put every thing in them cause some ppl would lose interest (not me though) i thought it was great when he slid on the shield and it wasnt to atract teenagers, what attracted teeage girls was legolas himself. (me...)and i thought the menu things was kinda weird but it to was great. you shouldnt critize it, i mean a movie is meant for your enjoyment.

I think that u have to alter wut happened in the book because it will draw abigger audience and that is all that its about-making money. If the movies went strictly by the book, then i think only the people that knew the books well would enjoy it.

they have only translated certain words for us to understand, I dounbt chinese ppl in chinese film would have spoken american, so what lotr is koooooooooool

my god.. i've been reading this thread i'm it's pathetic.. all i'm getting is stupid petty arguements.. i came to read stuff about lotr, not to read stupid fights!!!

i meant to write and and it's pathetic.. not thread i'm it's pathetic.. i really should proof read more often

i loved the movie!! sure i would've liked it to me more accurate towards the books but it was still entertaining

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