So....TTT DVD???

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Who has it..I just got my copy this morning and I have already watched it once and am going to again....the ROTK preview is great and definately touches you with emotion that makes you really excited to see the movie in Decemeber!

ROTK looks ****in amazing, Extended Edition looks ****in amazing - this DVD is ****in amazing smile

dude, work cant get over soon enough. i bought the dvd at lunch and now an agonizing these last 2 hours of work.

:-( i want the DVD...............who put up their trailer ?

well belgium is a crappy country we only start selling from the 28th
so I have to wait till tomorrow to buy it

Ha...I couldn't agree more with you there...watched the ROTK and EE previews again and still had the same affect.

someone was saying that they found PJ in the movie too so know i am going to have to go back and search for him

In TTT? If so, I saw him when I first watched it.

I got mine yesterday. and after i got done watching it, i wanted to see ROTK really really bad!

ROTK is gonna be the crown jewel of the series, Elija Wood even said so himself. As for the DVD its incredible! I don't think I have ever seen so many hard working, dedicated people doing anything

Tired Hiker
Has anyone watched the special feature 'The long and the short of it'? It's Sean Astin's short film he coordinated with members of the cast and crew. It's cute and all, but what is hilarious is 'the making of the long and the short of it'. It' so damn funny to see Sean Astin directing everyone, Elijah as an Assistant Director, Andy Serkis (gollum) as a production assistant blocking traffic. And other good stuff.

Ya I went to Wall mart at 12:00 in the morning on Tuesday and got it . There were a whole bunch of people there!!! I watched it right when i got home. its so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i watched the extras to. Happy Dance rolling on floor laughing cool big grin

same here aragorn#1, did you get that ring thing that glows? lol mine's already broken hahaha

BOPRecruit 16
gondor looks like an amazing place! merry and pippin on their own and becoming soldiers, neat. when the previews mentioned that the nazgul think that pippin has the ring and that's why gandalf brought him to gondor, that part wasn't clear in the books. not that i can remember. gandalf becoming the white and what i just said was more clear in the movies than the books.

Got mine already. I've watched it three times already and it interests me everytime. Still, I haven't memorized everything yet like in FoTR but I'll soon be able to smile

how do you like my sig?

I got it ! I got it!!! big grin I'm happy!!!!! :laughs: Can't wait for ROTK!!! It's a pity for me I won't be around much....moving to NY, and I won't be online that much until I get a home there and install my comp......sad I'll see u guys soon!!!! smile

BOPRecruit 16
silvabullet: cool siggy! such a sad scene in the movie. i read the books after the first movie. i was so lost! but i know more now. can't wait for rotk!

i just recently read the books for the 2nd time + i dont remember the nazgul thinking that pippin had the ring, but it made that clear in the preview. am i wrong or having a memory failure?

well if i remember right when pippin looked into the palantir, gandalf made the statement that was something to the effect that hopefully sauron beleived for the moment that saruman had the hobbit with the ring and was taunting sauron be showing him the hobbit in the palantir. not sure if i got the quote right but i beleive it was something to that nature.

oooo ok, thats what the trailer/preview thing was implying. i was thinking someting totally different. thanks smile

I got the DVD first day it came out, in the past 2 days I watched it 3 times. Hehe. Movies great.

hey i have a question concerning one of the terms used in the WB special + maybe in other special features on the dvd, i dont remember.
anyway, sometimes, when the narrator is talking about rohan, he refers to the people of rohan as "the rohans" but as i recall, they are really the rohirrim...did this bother anyone else?

yes it bothered me, but i think they simplified it for the nontolkienite audience. or that guy was just stupid

Ya chica16 I got one of those light up ring things i got like 6 of them and took one of those posters they were suppose to put up around the store cuz i was their right when they opened a huge box and all the posters were on top so why not take one.

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