will someone PLZ..........

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will someone PLZZZZZZ give me tom feltons AIM or E-mail address?? i have been looking and asking ppl for over a year and the ppl that say they have it wont give it to me! and if u dont have his can someone give me daniel radcliffs er someone elses from the movies so i can ask them for toms???? if someone would be nice enuff to er wants to talk my sn is MusicManiac2084 er E-mail me at [email protected] and we can talk something out. pls.......... (((cry))) sad sad

u will never get there email address u will get a hold of sumthin like fan mail address i think it is called sumthin like [email protected] im not to shaw that is the email but u can give it a try i hoped i helped

uh.....ok.....*walks in the other direction*

what r u on about What the f**k?

die julie!
http://www.killermovies.com/forums/images/moresmilies/rifle.gif http://www.killermovies.com/forums/images/moresmilies/lady.gif http://www.killermovies.com/forums/images/moresmilies/raygun.gif


yes to all of the above lol

i heard several times that it is thefeltonwagon but i might b rong..

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