Doesn't Frodo Get Naked In The Return Of the king?

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Im just wondering. Doesnt Frodo get naked in TROTK? I aint gay, im just wonderin if Elijah Wood is actually gonna get naked and all. But im guessin you girls would rather see Bloom drop his pants. Am I right?

tiger lilly
err... it aint that type of film mate.... messed

Yeah, I know, but it does happen in Return Of the King. Even thought Sam got turned-on.

and you say you arent gay :P

I aint laughing out loud


Neo_Version 7
He gets caught by orcs me thinks. Then they strip his clothes off.

I'd rather c Elijah dan Orli, i mean Orli is fit, but Elijah is just sooooo much better

don' t know if that' s a good thing or not

I hope they change that scene

I doubt it, it's quite important to the storyline... in the book at least.
Maybe they'll leave him underwear or something... either way I'm sure they aren't going to show anything you wouldn't want too see.

I hope they give him some cloths

He won't be naked/half dressed for long, so I wouldn't worry... smile

still I dont wanna see frodo nude I really don't

He is. Let's just say the orcs and Frodo make up for all the pain, and they get a real close relationship...real close.

I seriously doubt we're going to see full frontal nudity in ROTK... laughing

yea but even full rear nudity would be too much

I doubt frodo has a nice ass

The orcs sorta treat him like a sex object. No, really!

that'd be sweet

Oh I don't know about that... laughing

Bloody hell people get a grip on life is it really that important. If its in the movie its in the movie if its not its not, trust in Jacko has he let you down yet... I think not.

it needs to be in the movie

but for the love of gods it needs editing

it wasnt no sexual think with the orcs. they were instructed to take everything he had with him to baradur. jees people, it really kind of bugs me when people have to put a sexual conotation to everything, for example sams friendship with frodo, you get these idiots that say they are gay. what the hell? i guess those people never had a friend that close.

yah he just gets captures, they will prob show him huddled in a corner or something if they do it... its important that he gets caught but not very that hes naked, maybe theyll have him in rags. After wards he has to go around in orc clothes though because he doesnt have his own(in the book) so if they do thta he will have to change.

I knew it wasn't any kind of sexual thing, wasn't me that said that... I was just pointing out that it probably will be in there because it's important to the storyline, and that they aren't gonna show too much anyway, so it isn't that big of a deal.

I guess they might change it, but since there are movie version dolls of Frodo and Sam in Orc armour, I seriously doubt it

It was all in jest, Turin, no serious-ness meant.

ewwwwwwwwww!!!!!! sick blergh

reading my own post it sounds like i am pissed, but really i was just trying to say it in a mocking, "i cant beleive people really think this" kind of a way. sorry. you know what i think might be kind of cool, if they show frodo with just a small loin cloth huddled in a corner much the way gollum was when faramir caught him in the two towers. it would really do wonders for the audience to help point out the link between the two even more then it already have.

nah i think he will be naked but he will most likely be huddled in a corner so they may show us a side view of frodo

there was a really big hubbub over gandalf bein nekkid in ttt b4 it came out, and look at how philty that scene was! theyll prolly do the same for frojo in rotk.

aussi, it *is* pretty annoying that there were a buncha morons sayin tolkien was writing a story about the gay movement, lol. it seriously pissed me off that b/c a movie doesnt have a hot chick constantly in the action accompanied by plenty of innuendo and flirting, that people start lookin for its sexual connotations elsewhere (i.e. aragorn and boromirs kiss at end o fotr, frodo and sams friendship, etc...)

The Frodo and Sam relationship, well actually all the close relationships between the different men in LOTR, basically stem from Tolkien's experience at the battle of the Somme... it has nothing to do with sex at all.

Anyone who thinks that Frodo and Sam can't have relationship like theirs without it being a sexual relationship, need to go and see some kind of specialist.

I hate the way everything has to be about sex now, people are obsessed.


THANK YOU!!! it drives me crazy when people say sam fancies frodo
anyway, i think that they'll have frodo in a corner or maybe w/a crude blanket thrown over him, cuz itsd important to see how cruel the orcs of barad-dur are to him

What the f**k? to the 25th power

geez guys...

are you telling me that you've never had a close friend? frodo and sam are not gay. sam has a girlfriend back in the shire, and frodo has the weight of the world on his shoulders. sheesh ppl....

if you thought you were gonna die and the rest of the world with you, would you hug someone?

tolkien would not create a novel supporting gay movements or what-not. There was sexuality in lotr, eowyn had feelings for aragorn. its just that, it was controlled sexuality, not some girl dancing around in a 2 piece and some guy drooling over her.

i like when girls dance around me in a two piece though big grin

yeah don't get me wrong, thats awesome. its just when ppl see a movie w/out it, they gotta find some kinda sexual references in it... someone else said that b4

posted by daronisgod:
"I hate the way everything has to be about sex now, people are obsessed."

hehehe, u should read The Big Book of Sex cus it basically deals with your statement.

That was interesting and sadly all too true.

D you want to know what WTF means?


I know what WTF means: "What the f**k?"

no D= De Niro

sorry mate

Oh right, sorry embarrasment big grin

np you're God
atleast when I say god I mean you

BOPRecruit 16
WHAT?! no, don't think that is ever going to happen sick thank god.

Cool, I've never been god before... laughing

BOPRecruit 16
*rollseyes*oh brother...

Go and roll your eyes at someone else, it was only a joke...


BOP that getting naked by frodo is an almost essential part, I hope they edit it but I think they're gonna shuve it in their

BOPRecruit 16
probably in the extended scenes...

dude, daron calm down!

Isilwen Took
as a fan Elijah and Frodo fan, i'd like to see him naked but it wouldn't fit in the movie and it would be I would not support my Lij gay.. So i hope they will change that! Maybe he would be blouse-off.. mm.. that would be cool.. oh! sorry..

BOPRecruit 16
good grief..we don't need nudity in lotr...

no nudity plz save us all 4rm that

haha i love the poem in yer sig.
ima save it to me comp pls.

btw whats your real name so i can put it at end o poem as author, and whats title o poem?

BOPRecruit 16
thank you pink for getting off the nude topic.

omg we were talkin about nudity?!?!?!?! i wana know!

BOPRecruit 16
oh no... why there must be nudity wanted in movies? lotr doesn't need that kind of shame. what a disgrace that would be...

Ok, I'm calm now...
When did nudity in the right context become a bad thing, its a really important part of the story and therefore will probably be in there... There is nothing 'gay', though why anyone would use the term 'gay' in a negative context is beyond me, about being naked, it's the natural state of a human being...

I still don't see what the big deal is... I think it's my turn to roll my eyes... roll eyes (sarcastic)

id like to see eowyn in her natural state

maybe legolas could get naked instead??

BOPRecruit 16
nudity is uncalled for and not of importance. it would so get deleted and not put in extended scenes. it won't go with the story.

why is it not of importance? it shows how vulnerable frodo is and that those orcs take the last bit of dignity off him and everything!
btw, gandalf was naked, too..

i think it's amazing and shocking huh how a post about nude elijah can get 64 replies in 2 days! do we realy have nothing beter to do than chat about nudity?!!??

BOPRecruit 16
maybe the being naked is like a figure of speech, like frodo showing more of his emotions and trueself than he wanted people to see/to get to know. that would make sense. not stripping! lotr sites never mentioned nudity in the movies, so it's never gonna happen.

my name is kosha thanx 4 the complement on me poem

BOPRecruit 16
got any more great poems?

I've got a great poem

Once there was a thread
about frodos bare hose
unfortunately the topic is dead
and the thread will now close.

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