Main Point of Reloaded

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It is crazy most people still have no idea what it ment.

The country's censorship board said the film's storyline, about the search for the creator and control of the human race, may cause "crises".

A statement said: "Despite the high technology and fabulous effects of the movie, it explicitly handles the issue of existence and creation, which are related to the three divine religions, which we all respect and believe in

The movie "tackles the issue of the creator and his creations, searching the origin of creation and the issue of compulsion and free will," it said.

I remember people saying the Matrix isnt Anti Religious. Why Reloaded is better then the first one is simple. They have you in the story Neo is the one witch you can relate to from you religious roots. But Reloaded says the prophecy/religion is a lie and a form of control.

Today Religion controls all of the world. So The Machines used Religion to control the last 1% of the Zion.

There are other hints like the first matrix being perfect. A shot at heaven. It cant be real because our nature wont accept it.

Know thy self

All though a good observation. I do not know if the main point of the movie was to say that religion is a form of control. Although in some real world cases I do. But I feel FEAR is a much better way to control people. Plus what is said in the matrix can't always be taken literally. Something happened to Neo that changed him in the real world. If the prophecy wasn't true like the movie sugests then how can you explain Neo's powers in the real world. Just so I make my point clear. You can not always take what is said in the movie the first time you hear it. IE- the oracle told Neo he wasn't the One in M1 but it look closer she tells him what he wants to hear, and needed to hear. She could have told him, and then thats it he knows hes the One. But by not telling him she "showed him the path." I hope this makes sense...

I couldn't give a ****. The BBFC can suck my cock and so can any other censorship governing bodies. And of course religion is control - it would be foolish to think that any of these politicians actually believe it as well.

In the words of Bill Hicks:

Go back to sleep America, your country is safe, go back to sleep America.


simple the machines cant kill him

Well of course fear is a better form of control than religion, but then again does'nt religion fall under the catagory of "fear". Example is the Salem Witch Trials. But enough about that. I think people need to start appreciating Reloaded a little more. I mean first of all it was a sequel, sequels don't usually have much of a story because the previous installment set the story up.

The Omega
Why were religions even created way back when? To answer questions about the things mankind did not understand, and could thusly fear. Thunder, death, storms.
Do as the God(s) say, or suffer the consequences (Hell, reincarnation as a beetle, Purgatory).
Religions ARE a form of control, as they have governing bodies, which interpret loosely written religious texts. And if you do not do what said bodies decide is the right interpretation you burn, crawl, are condemned etc.

To capitolize on the popularity of the original.

Oh no. I hope you didn't take any offense to what I said. I totally agree with you. Maybe because the UK is a little different than the US is why we differ. I see that many people in this forum are from the UK. I think using fear has been a better way to control Americans, while religion is a factor. We worry about a whole bunch of nonsense. SARS? Road Rage? Y2K? Killer mutant microbes? You're news media is more upfront and challanging of your gov't than ours is. Thats why President Bush can get away with invading countries and having no one to answer to. They run a campaign of FEAR to scare the citizens into thinking its ok, and then using Religion to make us feel safe.

Ture to that aswell, I see you might have watched the movie Bowling for Columbine?

I hate that man, i cant believe him...


yeh, who?

Micheal Moore is who they are talking about. He is the director of "Bowling for Columbine." Actually yes I have seen it. Its a pretty good film (its no matrix i might addsmile. Actually what I wrote came from a book called FEAR by Barry Glassner. The book was lightly touched on in B.F.C. I used it for my examples. But as far as Bush, the war, and fear & religion. I have felt that way since he was "elected" into office. And my interest in your news media compared to the pussies in ours is due to a man named Greg Palast that is an ex-writer (?) for the BBC and Britains Tribune magazine. **Jedi - you hate Michael Moore?

yes i do, although that may be the conservative republican speaking in me, but i cannot stand him...

i have 'Stupid White Men' by him, although i havent completely read it, its quite funny. i havent seen 'Bowling for Columbine'

aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh conservative republican..... HE'SSS AN AGENT!!!!!! ..... just kidding you.... thats the liberal in me.

spydar1982> It's alright, i just laugh and go with it...not too many people here on campus are conservative republicans...and yes, i thought that mildly humourous...

yes although i can't stand con. repub's (see im too lazy to even type out the name) as far as the matrix forums go your "the one" and pretty cool and my book. so i will leave my crazy liberal antics at home when im in here from now on.

well thank you, thats right nice of ya...

the main of point of reloaded?? ... I think it was to expand on an already great idea...

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