i think i'm dying

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my temp is pushin 102 degrees and my head pounds and i am soo tired and oo yea-- the room is spinning around


Why are you online then?

shhh nobody needs to now. i think it mite be tho

laughing drugs are fun happy

Ya probably jus' got the flu, or somethin' like that. As long as ya don't reach 110 you'll be fine

What did ya take

o c'mon u want me ta die don't ya doctor

oo god i hate being sick

i do too doctor

I've reached a temperature of 105 before, had to go to the hospital. I kept hallucinating and screaming at all the nurses and doctors. It was terrible sad

must be the drugs i sold ya huh linds???

I know it's horrible sad When'd that happen to ya Linds?

Yeah it must be stick out tongue

i tried to give you some from da good batch but i must've messed up. sory linds

It happened to me when I was twelve. I remember it was so bad that I couldn't even see the things in front of me without getting dizzy wacko

well nothing hurts more than breaking some bones stick out tongue

Tied Hiker
How did you get that way Linds? All those symptoms can be caused by breathing to much carbondioxide.

I feel for all you sick people.stick out tongue

I dunno I got some weird virus when I was 'bout 5ish

we're all dyin from some freaky a$$ virus thang bein realeased threw our computer moniters

Well damn Grounded, get off the comp and sleep! Its the best thing for you!

I don't know how I got like that. confused All I was ever worried about at the time was making sure I stayed alive

Tied Hiker
Grounded, make sure you are in a well ventilated area. You could be breathing in too much carbonmonoxide.

Don't you just suffocate from breathing carongmonoxide? Never knew you got a fever!

Tied Hiker
I learned this today, you sweat, feel tired, hot, dizzy, and if you pass out it's basically over unless you get some oxygen quick. Yes you suffocate, but you don't know it. That's why many people die every year from this.

Isn't that how people kill themselves by locking themselves in their car while it is running and whatever it is that they do?

The perfect way to commit suicide is to put your car in the garage and turn it on and make sure all of the doors and windows are shut, when you turn it on inhale realllll hard and you will die within a few minutes! Just a tip lol.

Tied Hiker
Body temperature increases with these symtoms, hence the fever. I'm not a doctor, but I like to play doctor. smokin'

Tied Hiker
Yeah, whatch the movie short cuts and a girl in there kills herself by doing this. Only she runs the car and sits in a chair playing a stand up bass untill she dies. It's money.

Tied Hiker
My reporter I worked with today and I were talking about the perfect way to kill someone. If the person is a heroin addict, you can go up and push the pump on the needle all the way and they will die of an overdose.

thats comforting to know you think of such things TH wacko
and if u really wanna halucinate take a few pain killers man those are killer eek!

nitrous oxide(laughing gas) is the trippiest thing ever,I did that once and thought I was surrounded by bees


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