Harry Pottter Books!!!!!

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Hi!!! I got a question!!! does any1 no if JKR has talked about makin books bout the lost generation of HP............................im talkin about James,lily the maureders ( i spelled it wrong) Salazar Slytherin etc.?

Happy Dance rolling on floor laughing

i havent heard anything about it

That would be really interesting though! I hope she writes other books after the Harry Potter series is done.

i think I saw it somewhere online but i cant remember where sad

I hope she writes some more f the books mentioned in the series... eg. Hogwarts: A History, Moste Potente Potions, A History of Magic...

Malfoy's chick
I think it would be cool if she wrote about Harry's kid going to Hogwarts or something. That would be cool

i want her to write about what happenes to harry after hogwarts, if him and ron become a auror or not

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