One moment of true Horror Genius in the new TCM (Small Spoiler)

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I really liked this new remake, I was very sceptical, as I think most are, However The scene in the car when Leatherface attacks and Jessica looks out the front window and sees Leatherface wearing her Boyfriends Face!!!! WOW, I thought that was true Terror that hasnt been in horror movies as of late. I really liked the intro as well, With the police report, it really set up a great story to follow. I also liked the fact that the movie gave purpose to the Teens trip, It actually explained why they were on the backroads. and then we actually got to see leatherface, I really liked that, and the fact they built his character up a little more, Gave him a name and a face, makes him more real and scarier IMO.

Sorry if my review upset you Backfire, I relize you didnt like the movie, or seeing his face, or much of any of it. I agree the cheap scare tactics were entirley way to cliche, But the atmosphere was great, the house was awsome, and yes the sheriff was really a great character!

Ugh! roll eyes (sarcastic)

You dont have to apologize to BF for liking the remake!

BF's a total drama queen diva when it comes to TCM!

Besides, I was hoping a fight would ensue evil face

yeah i quickly made that second post to avoid any argument, because BF and I have very Similar tasted in Movies its nice to have him on my side wink

I have the complete opposite problem!

BF worships the ground I walk on! He's always agreeing with me, always on my side, (I'm always right of course) but still, I need space!

*pictures BF's face reading above post*
laughing out loud laughing out loud stick out tongue laughing out loud laughing out loud

Lord Soth
When was first a member here, I had a feeling that BF didn't like me. I think that either changed, or he never hated me at all and I was just being paranoid big grin big grin

Yes yes, I hear that story alot. BF always instills a sense of paranoia into new members.

stick out tongue

Haha well I must be the luckiest girl alive,he whisked me away to the chain saw shack! lol

*gets boner* wink

if you actually watched the original TCM you would know the reason the kids were on backroads was because they were going to an old house of a dead relative. i think knowing to much about a character brings the threat level down, in the original TCM you knew just enough about leather face. You knew he was pshycoyic, You knew he butchard people and diddnt give a damn about your feelings. The only thing he cared about was seeing your insides and wearing your face. The original TCM was by far more firghtening, and he actually looked like he was wearing a real human face. The leatherface in the remake was nothing more than a cliche movie monster with a chainsaw

laughing out loud

Anyway, that scene was absolutely cheezy. I laughed out loud when i saw leatherface wearing the face of her boyfriend. Lame

Ooooo, you gonna let him get away with that Cowboyography? evil face

Did you see the scene tex? it was so silly.

I havent seen the new TCM and I don't plan to unless it comes out on cable or someone else rents it,but they showed Leatherface's real face?What the f#$%?

i might watch it tommorow.

It was good!

Lord Soth
He doesn't instill paranoia in me. I'm just paranoid.

Paranoid, obssessive, forgetful, anal, and a million other adjectives

Is that a ten-gallon hat, or are you just enjoying the show?

That scene in which Leatherface is wearing Her boyfriends face is the scariest scene I have scene in the theater in a long long time. Lets face it, Modern horror is hurting, Bad. And at this point any scare thats not a cliche "BOO" scare is welcome IMO. I would like you to tell me a Genuine terrifying moment from the First TCM, and i bet its not much different from that scene there! Now please dont forget, I am on yourside, I agree the first TCM was better on all levels (i need to see again its been a few years) but this new one was the better Horror movie's I have scene at the theater in a long time. Most of the best horror these days are straight to video, Dog Soldiers Etc...

in the original i felt threatend by the entire family, i got the feeling that this family was blood thirsty and preyed on innocent people all the time, which made the movie more frightening. in this movie it felt the only threat came from leatherface, and that the people were killed just because the girl dissrespected the old guy. So in some way you could say the murders were justified, atleast in the horror world

You shoulda seen 28 days later in theaters, that movie was outstanding. Relied on intensity and atmosphere to really creep you out and make you intimidated, rather then jump scares.

You want me to tell you a genuine terrifying moment from the first one? Fine. How about the first time we see LeatherFace, when he opens the metal door and smacks the guy with the hammer, then immediatly closes it again. It was the most shocking introduction to a horror villian I've ever seen. That scene was extremely haunting.

Another scene, probably the most infamous scene from the movie... The scene in which LeatherFace hangs the girl on the hook, and she's left alive forced to watch leatherface mame her dead boyfriend while she can just sit there and watch while there's a metal rod through her spine. Terrifying.

I'm sure on paper, that scene you were talking about looked really good, but i thought it was just funny and cheezy.

Shit.I need to watch the original TCM again.I havent seen it since I was little so I didnt remember that part.Did anybody see that lame TCM that was made in the 90's with Matthew McConnehy and Rene Zelleweger?That was so gay.Probably like the new remake.

Yeah, it was crappy.

That one ****ed up TCM's memory too.Fortunately it wasn't promoted as much.

The original shouldn't be compared to teh sequels, it stands on it's own as a true horror masterpiece.

Not comparing.Just saying it ****s it up for those who havent seen the original cause then they think the original is crap too.

Haven't seen it Some people say it's good others say it's bad i guess i'll just have 2 decide 4 myself!

You cant really ruin a movie, it was good, a sequel or whatever doesnt change it. In my opinion of course.

I agree with Blane.

didnt that exact same thing happen in the new one? only it was an axe instead of a hammer! but very fast introduction just as you mentioned above.

this happens in the new one too, only its the guy getting hung on a hook and we watch him slowly die over the course of the movie.

and i think it would be scaryas hell to look up and see a madman wearing your best friends FACE!!!!!

I just want to say they are very similar movies, and the new one was good IMO. a worthy predicessor to the original, Unlike TCM new Generation!!!

Of course they are similar, but the new one did those same scenes and messed em up. They didn't have nearly the same power or shock as teh first one. Just messed up the feel of the movie.

I think the scenes they redid were the biggest failures of the movie. EVerytime one of the scenes from the original happend, it felt like they made them to apparent. like they were trying to say LOOK we included everyones favorite and most memorable scenes. What do they wanna cookie for doing this. Also the hook scene was OVER exaggerated, and also got repetive. The whole hook thing became a sad trend in this movie

Very true.

Cmon like the Dinner scene in the original wasnt OVER exaggerated, and repetitive? all the screaming in the original was a little repetitive too.
Also a thing that really enhanced the movie for me was when I went to see it, I went Solo, To one of the first showing in the day on a monday i believe it was, Anyway there was only one couple in the theater and they sat in the far back on the other side from me. The whole movie I had the Real feeling of Isolation going, Pretty Creepy, yet very cool experience!

I dont know where you get your logic in judging a horror movie cow boy. Infact i dont wanna know, you can keep it. NO NO NO NO the dinner scene in the original was not over exaggerated. I dont even know what makes you think this. There were scenes in the dinner that were long,but they were just dragged out to promote the raw realism of the film. Infact the only scene i can think of is when they were trying to bash the girl with a hammer. This is a family who enjoyed torturing people of course there going to take there time.

I dotn mean to offend but i must say the reply you give where the screaming got repetive is the most ignorant remark ive ever heard reffering to a horror movie review. This is still one of the only movies where the characters actually convince you they are horrified. The girl was delierious with fear, what else is she gonna do. I would like to see how much you dont scream when being chased by a nut with a chainsaw and tied to a chair knowing your about to die a gruesome death. FEAR and screaming are some key aspects in making a horror movie. again i dont mean to offend, maybe you meant somthing else

for some reason I cant compare the new TCM to the first one... it just feels wrong. I liked them both alot honestly, although Im more a fan of the gritty-ness of the original , I also liked the dampness and the pleasure of the pain that leather face was dishing out on the legless idiot.

I agree about the screaming rages, she obviously was hoping with all her heart that someone would hear her and come running to the rescue, and the fact that it didnt made her survival seem more unlikely.

she may have survived but only to become catatonic, that would really blow

this is a quote from myself earlier, I agree that the first is better. However I did like this new one. I love slashers period. I loved The toolbox murderer, and the Prowler. Just because the second wasnt as good as the first doesnt mean it cant be a good movie, now that would be ignorant. As for the amount of screaming in the first, it just started giving me a headache more than anything, what ever ahppened to a good Shiver while slently drooling on ones self, that show fear real well!! look at movies like Henry/ Last house on the left, Terrifyingly real, moreso that the original TCM yet not enough screaming to make my head explode.

i agree there are more ways to express fear than just sheer screaming. However the original TCM was a horror movie that shot for rawness with realism in character reactions. This calls for the most basic and plausible reaction of a person put in that situation. Seeing how the TCM is such a gruesome act of violence. It is hard to judge how someone would actually react, one reaction that is for sure is undoubted fear. the best way to espress this is delierious fear driven screaming. So it is only logical that every scene this girl would be in would have her screaming in fear. This is the most basic action when people are scared. Take the most basic scare tactic and times it by a thousand, you are bound to get mind numbing screams

lol tex your to funny man!

backfire you sound like the guy in the movie theatre everyone throse popcorn at that always goes thats so stupid! while everyone is like AHH! (being scared) you laugh out loud and say how lame!

stick out tongue lol but we love you BF

Lord Soth
Well, I shouldn't really comment, not being a horror veteran and all, but think that SaTsuJiN is right in the sense that it's hard to compare the two. Standards have changed in Hollywood. Where people used to love a powerful story and characters you can relate to, now all they want in mind-blowing action and little else.

IMO, Marcus Nispel did the best he could to remain true to the original, while keeping all the mindless boobs happy.

But I reiterate, I'm not a die-hard horror fan, so you don't have to take me seriously.

That's true basically. While I never get popcorn thrown at me, I always have a mocking laugh when something stupid happens on screen (which was a pretty vigerous event in the TCM remake)

Tired Hiker
I would pay to see this movie with you Backfire, just to sit there and laugh with you . . ... .ha haha ha. That would be fun.

heh, I dont like talking or laughing whenever I go to see a movie at the theatre. It really destroys the feel of things. Usually if someone keeps yacking in the back row or something like that I move somewhere else.
It just grates my nerves cuz you pay money to see and hear a movie and ur hearing some shit you can hear out on the street for free.

My friends boyfriend didnt like it either hehe, but my friend was basically stirred over the gory scenes, as most girls are. Thats why I love taking my sister to horror movies too, its really funny watching her get scarred and scream. laughing

Tired Hiker
You'd hate watching the new TCM with me and Backfire, then.

Hey, it's not my fault if a movie is laughably bad. Which the new TCM is.

I think one movie that I honestly laughed out loud in the theatre at was Lost Souls with winona ryder.. it was just that bad..

i remember laughing when my friend tried to get me to go see that movie

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