Two great dvd pickups at Walmart yesterday.

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Evil Dead
Piranha and The Gate ...............just over $14 for both.

I really like Piranha and The Gate is one of those movies I like to buy to just pop in every now and again to watch a good ol' horror movie from my youth....kind of like Demons. Piranha alone was well worth the <$15 I spent.

Gate is great. Never seen piranha...

Evil Dead
ooooh damn.............check it out. Great oldy but a to love those '70s B horror movies!

I believe the Gate was only $5.88 at Walmart.............incase you don't already have it in your collection.

I don't actually....Forgot about it till you mentioned it just now.

The Gate was good.I loved that movie when I was little.There's a sequel to that one too.Piranha sucks.It's just about the typical experiment gone wrong scenario.The Piranha's escape blah blah blah and you can't just imagine where it goes from there

Haven't seen it.

Evil Dead
Who cares if it's cliche today (Piranha)?....still a good movie. It was made in '78 as another water horror movie due to Jaws popularity. There is a sequel to it aswell, Piranha II. Still fun to watch.

The Gate II isn't really that great as I recall. I havn't watched it in probably 10 years but I recall not being too impressed with it. I'll probably pick it up on dvd though just to watch it again. Perhaps I will enjoy it more now that I did 10 years ago.

the gate is awesome, and I've never heard of piranha O_o

I just checked out Piranha today.

it was great!!

Thanks for the mention EDsmile

I've not seen either, are they reccomended?

I can't remember very much of the gate but Piranha is a true CLASSIC> fr=c2l0ZT1kZnxzZz0xfHR0PW9ufHBuPTB8cT1waXJhbmhhfG1

Tahts the IMDB page. smile

Is the gate the film with Stephen Dorff?

I keep getting it mixed up with The Keep.

Wal Mart rocks! (sometimes)

Walmart sells knives, shotguns and all this other crap you cant get in England under one roof... it suprised me like hell.

havn't seen Piranah but i've seen it many a time on the shelf

The gate is bloddy awful, one of the worst ive ever seen and they were allowed to make a sequel how os this possible, this film is so bad that its not so bad its good , its so bad it makes you want to vomit

the gate is good for a laugh, thats about it...

well they've made multipul House movies and there all shockers

Best Buy, a while ago: Halloween 2 and 28 Days Later


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