The U.p.i Commander.....
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i think it would be unfair not to give much credit to the person who had the most powerful role in the movie.....he was a real commander and fought with his life..i think his role was more powerful than any other in the whole movie...
i think you are talking about Captain Mifune and it is an APU, not UPI...
Me= Not understanding.
i think what youre getting at is that he feels really important when he dies. i found myslef feeling more emotion over his death than possibly even trinity's.. it just really struck me how ruthless the machines were in killing humans (sorta like in the animatrix)...
I was so happy how powerful his character was, and how he was keeping the machines away, and then when they flew past him, and he was still killing them, you could tell they were killing him, and i was happy that he was so courageous, but intensely sad he died...I loved him, he was such a great gonna have to stop thinking about it...i keep tearing up...
We really do love these movies! Damn! I can't sleep at night. Remember what I said in one of my posts? That we won't sleep at night after the Revos come out?
Yes !! Mifune rocked!! What a warrior! The guy never stopped until he was practically ripped open! Sheesh!!
you'd know he was totally dedicated to his task..and he seemed to take it even more serious than his superiors....hes the most powerful of all characters.....
i dont feel well
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