I Dont Get This!!!

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De UnKnOwN 1
i havent postedin this forum alot but ive read alot of the posed and this botherd me, how could the machines have beaten the humans, WE HAVE NUKES, MISSILES ARMYS AND SHI T!, WE COULDA SENT BALLISTIC MISSILES RIGHT INTO 01, AND WIPED THEM OFF THE PLANET! ive seen the 2nd rennaissance and that shit but it makes no logical sense, we woulda nuked them to oblivion!, how could they have then taken over each nation and enslaved, what 10 billion people by the time this occurs in the future.... how is that possible?

my impression is that it all happened very fast. The humans built tons of robots to do stuff for them, eventually they almost outnumbered us, and then they struck. Nuclear missles would do more harm than good...so the humans "scorched the sky" as Morpheus says...and from there, you know.

De UnKnOwN 1
HAHA if i was ****ing president i woulda sent every missile in the world to 01 then the AI woulda been dead, and the robots woulda jus been lifeless heaps HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHA

Greeeeaat plan man! Yeah if ya can't work out your differences with someone blow them to shitall. Mind you in the Matrix humans were the ones who had the machines oppressed.

LOL nice idea. Unfortunately, we tried that. BUT, nukes were more hurtful to us than to them. Let me explain. If we nuke an area, we can't go through there for a LONG time (the radiation is harmful, even after the blast). But the machines could still go around without any worries. In fact, we have machines that can examine an area after a nuclear blast specifically because they Don't get hurt the radiation (at least not as easily as we do). Ok, so everywhere we nuke becomes off limits to our human bodies, but doesn't hurt them at all.

Ok, well what about the blast itself? Well just like we can take shelter...

Ok, what about EMP? Good question. For those who don't know, an EMP shockwave is generated when there is a nuclear bomb explosion. I'm not really sure how big it's radius is, but it's not enough to stop All those machines.

Ok, fine, but we have TONS of missles. Why wouldn't we just unload on them? We do have tons of missles yes We could cause more damage than you can imagine sad (Just one of Just the USA's nuclear ballistic missle subs could be the third largest nuclear power if it were it's own country). But, think about it. The best technology that we have, they have. Any missle defenses we have, they have. Any plans to attack, they've thought of. Heck, all of our communication, information sharing, recon, guidance systems, etc. etc. is on computer aka machine. There is nothing we have that they don't. Which means they know every weakness we have, every plan we've made, and worst case scenario, they have all our systems hacked and know what we're up to from moment to moment.

And, not to mention, they have weapons too. They can beat the living crap out of us. They know how to use them Perfectly. They know where to use them Best. And all the weapons they make would be Top of the line. All in all. We were outmatched. Hands down.

By that point all the nukes and such were also controlled by machines.

Humans had machines doing everything for them.

I have an idea, why didn't we make peace with them in the first place big grin

only humans

Cause we're friggin' retards, thats why...we're also zenophobes...

to quote yourself:

I know - I was being sarcastic big grin

Hell no, WAY wrong! A single nuke in their capital- as I believe is shown- would have killed ALL of them. The EMP radius on a simple nuclear strike is awesome. In fact, there are all sorts of ways we could generate EMP pulses without using particularly large nukes.

Sorry, Second Renaissance was just crap, from its cliched view of stupid humans through to that ludicrous declaration that machines were not that troubled by nukes. If we out our mind to it we could easily wipe the lot of them out.

Also, the idea that they knew all we did in the war is pure speculation. It is obvious that we were using plenty of technology that they had no access to.

dude you seem to be missing something here.the moment you automate everything and link them up into a network then you are asking for disaster.a virus can infact the computer programme an start a massive wave u cant stop.to launch a nuke u need computers coz they are monitotered and controlled by computer programmes during storage.now if the computer virus has taken control of that then u cant launch it can u?besides its only a movie dude and it happened ok!

if u have worked in IT u would know that in every programme there develops bugs and without patches god knows what can happen to a company network.its really bad believe me.

Think about this. The people of Zion think it's around the year 2100, but in reality, it's prob around 3000. The humans have tech that's about 800 years obsolete! They have armies that show no fear, we do. The best way to stop them was to use the cover of the clouds to sneak into 01 and launch all the EMP's we can muster.

Why not use the enviroment to do our job.Mother nature is strong.A storm in the machines capital would not be good.A volcanic eruption would be terrible.A tsunami would wipe out defenses.

The Omega
Ehrm. I'm sure the machines know about tempest-hardening. If you're not aware of what this is have a peek here


also nukes kill any electrical device so thier or a bomb whatever same shit!

it actually says in the 2nd renaissance (animatrix) that the nukes 'had no effect on the machines strong shells'.

so there!
we tried nukes, but they didn't work, which is why we scorched the sky

it actually says in the 2nd renaissance (animatrix) that the nukes 'had no effect on the machines strong shells'.

so there!
we tried nukes, but they didn't work, which is why we scorched the sky"

I have seen it, genius. It says that RADIATION didn;t affect them. Of course the blast hurt them- they can be killed with bullets!

Of course EMP hurts them- that is how it is in the films! You just cannot DENY these things. So 'OH MY GOD'- have some common sense with what you say!

" dude you seem to be missing something here.the moment you automate everything and link them up into a network then you are asking for disaster.a virus can infact the computer programme an start a massive wave u cant stop.to launch a nuke u need computers coz they are monitotered and controlled by computer programmes during storage.now if the computer virus has taken control of that then u cant launch it can u?besides its only a movie dude and it happened ok!"

All of which is pointless to say as in the offiical continuity the humans DID nuke the machines without ANY such problems. It would take barely any effort to disconnect those systems from the sentient machines- apparently there were no such prob,ems, The Machines did not win in any such fashion.

"Think about this. The people of Zion think it's around the year 2100, but in reality, it's prob around 3000. The humans have tech that's about 800 years obsolete! They have armies that show no fear, we do. The best way to stop them was to use the cover of the clouds to sneak into 01 and launch all the EMP's we can muster."

Totally irrelevant- this discussion is about the war BEFORE the time of the Matrix.

"WE"... it's a vision of the future, but not future itself... it's a movie, great one, but still a movie, so it has it flaws. but the nuke thing was indeed explain in the animatrix

Yes, it's stated in the Animatrix....Nuclear weapons wouldn't have done a damn thing! Matter of fact, radiation makes them stronger, and it was the use of nuclear weapons that actually screwed up our way of life...

but an EMP is, what, ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE, and what is emitted by a thermonuclear device? Heat, Radiation, and ELECTROMAGNTEIC PULSE...this is what Ush is getting at, that, even IF the blast did not take out the machines, the INTENSE emp effects should have...Ush, i honestly don't know what to say to that, i don't.

the nuke,(even a radio, or any other electrical device) can produce an EMP, but just think of the consecuences for the entire planet (the nuke). the humans wanted to destroy the machines, not themselves.

either the w-bros didnt think it thru (hahaha) or the effects were only temporary

i'll only say: IT'S STILL ONLY A MOVIE


The Omega

I agree with what Omega said. These machines were not stupid. I'm sure they took measures to protect themselves.

Ush> Ok good... I'm glad you knew about the radius of an EMP because I sure didn't. I wouldn't have imagined it could be that big, but apparently it is.

So, as jedi and Ush are saying "why didn't the EMP stop them"
Dunno, they must've been prepared for it somehow. Backup armies or such. Unless there is just supposed to be some new level of technology that they just didn't mention (which is lame).

Well I know this for sure... I'm gonna have to at least watch it again before I open my mouth on the subject. erm

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