4th Movie Ideas

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Let's start off with this: THERE WILL BE NO 4th MATRIX MOVIE!!!!!!
But, if you had the minds of the W. Broths, what would it be about?

My idea is that it will take take after Revo and draw off the Arc. line that the peace will temp. He and the Merv will form some type of alliance and restart the war. For an added twist, there will a rogue human group determined to rid the world of machines. Inside the Matrix, the spirit of Neo will return to assist the free humans defeat the Merv and Arc.

PLease note that this is only a theroy. This is not a 4th movie as there will be NONE. Please post any ideas for a hypothetical movie or add on to mine. This can get intersting. One more thing. Don't post about how there will be no 4th movie, I no that and that is all. For now

I love that idea.. i want to know who you would have play the new "one" imagine that.. all these rebels going after agents with m 16's and stuff.. that would be crazy.. and hunting vampires.. just make sure there is no love story.. cause then it would ruin the movie

Yeah, your right. A love story, like the one in The Matrix was kind of stupid. If there would be a love story, it onyl exist to give strength to the charactures and would be limited.

We never learned what happened to the Merv. He might of been destroyed when the Matrix was rewritten. However, computer hackers always know that hitting the "Delete" key doesn't fully delete the program. The merv might still be around, like Neo.

Great!But we must be safe,or you go here------------> doctor

What do you mean?

How about Locke getting killed. That would make millions, even if the whole movie was just locke getting shot over and over again.

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