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What fighting style does Neo use? Is it a mix between a few or maybe he uses different ones for each movie (M1 then a different one for M2/3?)?

Kung-fu, jujitsu,its all good.

Darth Revan
He doesn't use any single one--remember in m1 where he is doing his training and it shows the screen switching between different ones? He uses a combination of them.

Just because the screen shows him learning all of the fighting styles known to man doesn't mean that he actually knows and uses them. I figured that they would base his training on and let him use at the most 3 styles...

Darth Revan
He's the one, dammit. He can use whatever he's capable of. There's nobody to tell him that he can't use a certain fighting style.

Unfortunatly one thing does keep him from using all of them, Keanu Reeve's ability. If he can't do it, Neo can't do it. smile

Neo uses many different types of fighting styles...just look at the Dojo, he uses a different one everytime...

There has to be a base style though...he can't just wing it and do whatever he feels like...

MC Mike
I think he can... erm

Darth Revan
Remember though, Keanu Reeves isn't making the moves up- a fight choreographer does it, so it is a lot easier for him.

Neo: Jujitsu? I'm going to learn Jujitsu?... Holy shit.

Silent Dream
his using shaolin fighting style... the Shaolin martial arts is every art of fighting there is.....


The Omega
Neo HAS learned practically every fighting style there is.
But from the looks of it, it's movie-choreophraged kung-fu (also, the fight choreopgrapher DOES do movie kung-fu).
So... smile

Yeah, SURE it is..

He had 10 hrs. of training of every form of martial arts, plus what u learn in practice! He is complete! wink

i could make a very rude comment right now...but i wont angel

the main problem with keanu reeves is that he's a suck ass bad actor. since bill and ted he hasn't been trying at all.

the main problem with keanu reeves is that he's a suck ass bad actor. since bill and ted he hasn't been trying at all. i hate him, he can't act, he's made of wood. HE SUCKS


GHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get him--------------->

it's true though!

"He had 10 hrs. of training of every form of martial arts, plus what u learn in practice! He is complete"

Do you know how many different types of martial arts there are? I think that comment is a little off...


KEANU REAVES SUCKS. the matrix is good, but it would be better if Neo and Trinity were killed in the first film, rather than the third. and also, reloaded is crap.

mad miffed mad

it's true. seriously. i know you guys all like the matrix, so you'll take offence to me insulting the guy who plays neo, but watch him in any movie after bill and ted. HE IS WOODEN. you can get as mad as you want, but it really is the case.

The Omega
Joshbot> Riiiiight! Freedom of speech is all good, but you seem to have absolutely nothing to say aside from antanogising the other forumites.
And you're entitled to your opinion same as everyone else.

But you have now spend, hmmm, four posts repeating youself. Do you have anything ELSE worth saying?

hes not wooden, in every movie after Bill and Ted, Hes TED!!!!!!

Keanu is not a good actor. Anyone who says he is, is a retard. The truth is he is adequate for most movies (Replacements, Hardball, My Private Idaho, etc) Downright awful in some (The Watcher & A Walk in the Clouds) and in still others he is actually pretty good (Bill & Teds & The Gift) I think Keanu does a fine job for the Matrix. His character was to look confused and ask alot of questions....He's Perfect!!!!, Who you rather have as Neo? Ben Affleck?? Bruce Willis?? Leonardo DeCaprio??? Justin Timberlake???? Keanu Rules!!!!!

jonny depp would be better. or a plank of wood with a mean face drawn on it.

smile laughing out loud rolling on floor laughing laughing out loud smile

Okay....Johnny Depp would have been better for M2 & M3, but Keanu was awesome at being playing a character without a clue (M1).

christian bale would've been alright. i agree that keanu isnt that great of an actor.


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