Which is the best matrix character???

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Which is the best matrix character???

Pablo G
Si ni has visto las de matrix JC

Vincent Rendar
Morpheus, hes realistic....as realistic as can be in the Matrix, and he such a great orator. Plus I love the way he fought on the tractor trailer in reloaded, the sword was cool, plus they way he sliced up that car with the twins in it, then shut it with that gun....classic....they were 0w3n3d

no me importa stick out tongue wink cool Happy Dance

i la uno si la e visto

wtf...where is seraph...twins...mero....persephone(gurgles)

Lord Soth
The twins weren't very good as characters. But where's Agent Smith? The Oracle? Link(the only comic relief in Reloaded)?

umm...wasnt there a thread exactly like this?? Actually, there are so many threads like this, maybe J-c should look at the note Omega put up about the same threads...oh, and btw, mine is neo smile


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