They really goofed on this one...

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How it's impossible to decode the matrix because there is "too much information." Hey, W Bros, if a human mind can decode it, then an 8088 (around 4mhz) could probably decode it with ease. I hate it when a movies tries to be all technical but screws it up.

Now, I'm no expert on how the brain works, but i believe that human consciousness requires more than raw 0's and 1's. That's why we don't have real AI yet... The way I understand it, we need a lot of a different sort of computing power.

I'm not expert on the brain, but in such an advanced world, where they made AI that nearly annihilated them, they could easily make a program that would pick out what a human mind can.

I do know the human brain works largely by recognition and filtering out unnecessary information.

there is to much information to decode to show it in a screen like tv, there's to much going on to see it in just 3 or 4 screens, think of it as surveillance sistem, but instead of having 10screens showing different angles, you have 1 to 3 showing everything at the same time, if you understand the code, you don't really have to see it decoded

no, if you will pay attention, everytime they switch between different scenes, different people, they have to move to a different code...each screen can show only so much information...thus, only a small FRACTION of what is in the matrix can be seen by any human at any time...not even the agents know where everyone is at any time...

it's the same, there's to much to decode at the same time

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