And aboveall.....

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The none
Don't know if it's been asked before but anyway, can someone pls. explain to me WHY the matrix was created by the machine in the first place?

Was that because it's so bloody boring while feeding on human batteries and apparently ain't got nothing else to do?

Happy Dance

I dunno, maybe to keep the human brains "active". But then why not breed them lobotomised or something?

Hmmm... i think they did it because it was the only way to keep the humans alive.. can't feed off dead energy.. so simulating there life kept there mind and body active... but again not all excepted it and thats were ya get teh rebels.. i think...

mankind--------------> <-------------------Machines

This may sound dumb, but you would think that the machines would somehow learn to harvest the sun light above the clouds (as seen in Revolutions). I mean...if they could figure out how to turn humans into batteries, then getting sunlight out from behind the clouds shouldnt be to bad. But ah well.....matrix movies still rock the house!!!

look above you...and see the war...

All the machines needed to do was construct a LOOOOOOONG pole, with a solar panel on it, and then raise the pole, and they would have had all the power they needed.

because they cant make the human race extinct, they need a human to make that choice for them.. so they are just storing them in their.. so that they cannot fight back at them. remember that zion is another level control.

The none
Well, I guess the machine must have learnt the lessons (in the hard way though) and finally wise enough to switch to "pig batteries" next time!
rolling on floor laughing

FLIPMODE> You realize how MANY solar panels they would have to hoist up there, to get the power they get from the humans, right? each gives off about 1.5 volts, and a few amps...

The none
How abt thermal than?? If they can drill through zion, they most definitely can drill towards the core.

Hmmmmm, my head start spinning. rolling on floor laughing

Easy answer: megalomania. They're free-thinking, sentient 'life' forms. They wanted power over their previous masters. If you're being cruel and Pro-Humanity then compare the machines to Hitler, kind of. Hitler wanted to create a rulership of his own and to make Germany greater after its great descent during the Depression and pretty much after WWI. The Machines wanted revenge, no matter what it took, it was pretty much sparked off from the B166ER trial, the Million Machine March, etc. (watch SecRen I/II).

As for the whole solar power malarkey... that's a little strange. Again, I think it's all to do with them wanting power over the humans. They *could* use solar power, but a choice between power, and power + almost complete domination of your previous master-race, they chose the latter. Of course, they form another, more friendly coexistance at the end of the war when Neo fights for both sides against the Smith(s), who then take on the 'Nazi role'.

There we go. If that doesn't make much sense, I'm jetlagged. Go figure. Brain = *zzztfrrtping*


The none
Wooooooow, this is soooooooooo far out!

Domination over our bodies is not enough, so the machine wanna to play with our minds as well? For the sake of, let me put it this way, "Sweet revenge of a bitter enemy"?

U know what? Funny that u mention it, hatre, hunger for power n etc etc......., r unique to human being, n if the machine bears this feelings, it's DOOMED to a total failure, just like us.


Captain Wacky
Did you notice when the logos went thru the clouds all the elitrical systems died and so did all the squids. In the animatrix dvd in the commentary section for the rennissance they say the clouds have "nano-bots" in them.

I need a DVD remote, damnit. I've gone without for nearly a year now. Anyone know where I can buy one cheap? I'm assuming all UK DVD player remotes work on all machines as it's something to do with the infrared coding (woohoo for the Faraday Lecture!)


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