Over the stars...

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Sorry but I had to use a JTHM line there. I'm a bit late in reporting this but it finally struck me as something poignant. I figure there's no point in putting spoiler warnings in as anybody who's even worth the webspace this is put on should've seen it by now!

Don't you find it a beautiful contrast as at Nebuchadnezzar rises above the clouds - The ship rises; Neo is seeing a wonderous light that only he can see, the sacramental-like glow of the machines. Then as they dive up out of the clouds, Trinity sees the true light for the first time, whilst Neo is plunged into deep, organic darkness.

Well... it's a thought.

AI (still jetlagged.)

wasnt the Neb destroyed at the end of reloaded, That was Niobes ship "The Hammer" that they went to 01 in

You are correct about the Neb being destroyed however they took Niobe's ship the Logos to the machine city Niobe drove the Hammer to Zion.

that was actually the logos but who cares

oh ok, The Logos yeah ur right

I knew I'd get something wrong... ehh, I'm more awake now. Well. Sorta. Caffeine good.


That's a good point. It was ironic that Neo had to be blinded prior to that scene, thus Trinity being the only one seeing the 'real' sun.

Ohhh, wow that is awesome... That really is. I'm glad you pointed that out. Man that's pretty touching too.

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