Machines won't take over

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Hey people, this is just a topic I thought I would talk about and state my reasons for, which is why I don't think the internet will take over like some people seem to believe it would, and why machiens won't take over (at least not for a long time). I thought I would write about it and then see how people respond. Anyway, some people say the Net will someday become self-conscious. I actually even read one guy who said, "It's not a matter of how, but when..."; the reason soem people believe this is because the Internet is kind of like an ant colony I guess you could say. One is nothing; it barely has a brain even (though some killer ant types do get into fights with each other, so I guess they are more intelligent since they show individualism). But your basic ant is nothing. But an ant colony is almost like a single consiousness; it is a group of thousands, or millions in some cases, or little ants communicating with each other, most likely chemically. Science still isn't quite sure how this works; however, some scientists say that this may be the very basic model of true intelligence; a bunch of tiny, little unintelligent things all communicating together to produce a single "intelligent" "conscious" organism. Now the internet is kiind of the same way in this sense, if this is true. The internet is millions of computers, ranging from complex supercomputers to ordinary microcomputers, all interconnected together. Now of course one computer in nothing, like one ant. But all together, some people say the internet may some day "wake up" and become conscious. Now where I have to disagree with the fanatics on this is, for one: IF something like that happens, the internet would be a very BASIC type of intelligence, or "consciousness." Second, it would not just try to take over the world because for one it would probably not even know anything about the world. Just because it would have access possibly to every single piece of information on the planet doesn't mean at all that it would be able to interpret it. Computers these days store information as bits and bytes, and so 1's and 0's. If the internet became conscious enough to even KNOW OF READING it probably would not be able to read any of of the information it contained. And that's even if it knew of reading. Once it did know reading, assuming that it was even intelligent in the first place, it would have to learn how to read various languages. And that only come from being taught. In order for it to want to "take over" it would have to have the ability to "want." In order for it to attempt something like SkyNet in Terminator did, even on a much lesser scale, it would have to have self-preservation built-in already. This type of thing can only be self-installed by humans into the whole network perhaps, or it would have to be learned. Ants, whether individuals or a collective-consciousness, or a combination of both, have learned through evolution (or a form of it) the need to survive and reproduce, etc....the internet might want day become like an ant colony like consciousness PERHAPS, but what I'm saying is even if it did, it would probably have to exist that way for a few thousand years and get killed, maimed, hurt, etc.....and so on before it would start "learning" to take care of itself and so forth. Even a super-intelligent military program like SkyNet I doubt would be able to read or understand much. If it were superintelligent enough to actually try to defend itself against people trying to shut it down, I would also assume that it might question WHY everyone was trying to shut it down, and basically, say, "HEY, why're you all trying to kill me!?!" And that's if the military and creators have already installed a pre-programmed self-preservation program into it. Otherwise, such a program would be easy to shut down. Now if you had such a program and turned it on and off constantly, and it really was EXTREMELY intelligent, then ,after some time of getting turned on and off, it might "learn" how to try to prevent this. But if people are smart enough to make a computer or computer program with such intelligence even, then you make the program where it ENJOYS doing it's job. Give it better intelligence then a human, but put limits on its intelligence as well. That's what people never take into consideration. If you make something super intelligent that's going to be your slave, but is intelligent enough to perhaps one day try to overthrow you, make it where it absolutely loves what it does. Sort of like in the animatrix. You're not telling me that they would have the knowledge to make slave robots that have emotions and intelligence and then give them to people and also give them super strength, enough to crush your skull in, and then not make them where they'd enjoy doing their slave labor? My point here is, if they can make machines with human intelligence and emotions, then you can modify its "brain" so it will like what it does.

So to sum that up, those are the main reasons as to why I don't think machines will someday just rise up and take over or get too intelligent and take over through the form of military supercomputer or regular robots that decide to revolt.


*raises hand*


the machines destroy humans. No question. I mean this was even predicted by the Aztecs. On the christmas of i think its 2037, the Aztecs predicted that all machines and animals will turn on humanity. This is a fact. so we only got about 30 years left before all goes to shit

rage could you point me towards that? i take a passing interest in doomsday prophesies

The none
It was the Mayans, not the Aztecs. Happy Dance

can you tell me the English translation of the Mayan/Aztec word for 'machine' used in that prophecy? cuz i'm fairly certain such a word does not exist.

sounds interesting (bump)

r we bumping again?

The none
I only wish to point out that it's the mayan whom created the "Doomsday Calender".

The rest I don not have a clue.

Anyway, I always found ancient civilizations fascinating.

Happy Dance

MC Mike
I find bananas fascinating... Happy Dance

what? no, the mayans predicted the world would end on december 22(equlivelant to december 22) 2012.

and did you know that an asteroid will come extremely extremely close to earth in the year 2039, maybe the earth's gravitational pull will send it colliding into us! yay!

The none
Is that really??!! The Azetecs got themselves a Doomsday calender as well??

Well anyway, never been kinda serious about these D-day/Nostradamus stuffs, probably never will.


The none
OH BTW, the mayans' calender didn't actually predict the world is going belly up in 2012, it's just that their calender cycle ENDED there.

I've read from somewhere that the Mayan claimed that another form of civilization will emerge then........dunno......... rolling on floor laughing

the none> isn't it the end of their LAST calender cycle? I seem to remember reading that somewhere...*starts looking around inside brain for origin* oh, and, many ancient civilizations had beliefs that the end of the world is near to the beginning of our 2nd millenia; if i remember correctly (and it is probable that i do not) the egyptians, the mayans, the aztecs, and some religions hold that the end of the world is nearing...just depends on whether you put faith in beliefs or not...

Oh, btw, Nostradamus' predictions are incorrect, the "predictions" that we have today are actually pieced together from different sayings of Nostradamus'...

The none
Indeed Jedi....

Religions or not I merely trust, but the fact IS, we r acting like Smith, oh yes, we all r, leaving lesser n lesser space for other creatures.

I don't think the world to going to end, it's just us, the human race.

Somehow I reckon that hte Matrix is actually refering to the purgatory. It's our souls that wandering in there at the mercy of Satan (the archie) n the devils (agents)?

Though I'm an antheist, this thought always gives me the crypt.

Cheers, pal. beer

I dont remember if it was the aztecs or the mayans. It very well could have been the Mayan's, I just remember studying it in school.Then not to long ago i saw somthing about it on the discovery channel. ACtually the more i think about it. It would have to be the Mayan's seeing how our calenders are not in synce with the aztec;s calender. We are actually for years off from them.

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