the prophecy

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i'm pretty sure this hasn't been said before, but if it has, kill me and my thread, Omega.

it occured to me yesterday that the prophecy was actually fulfilled. remember what Morpheus says at the end of Reloaded. 'Once the One reaches the Source, the war should be over.' well, since Neo didn't choose the right door (which led to the Source) the war hadn't ended. however, he went to the Machine City (aka Sourceville, according to the soundtrack) in the real world in Revolutions and he ended the war.

so, Morpheus, the blind fanatic, was right all along cool

MC Mike

That's true....damn I never thought of that...good thinking smile

The Omega
Rys> Remember we talked about that, when we were trying to decipher the trailers? And suggested that maybe Neo does go to 01 to bargain for a truce (I'll delete Smith, we get peace), thus fulfilling the prophecy by trying NOT to smile

vaguely, the theory about neo choosing the 3rd option, which wasn't offered to him by archie?

well, i just linked what happened to what morpheus said at the end of M2, which made the story complete to me. after seeing revolutions it just didn't seem right to me at first, but now all the pieces seem to be coming together, when i keep thinking about it.

thats exactly how i feel about revo. when i first saw it i was like what the hell, than it got better when i thought about it more. also everything that the oracle tell neo does come true. she says either he or morpheus will die in the first movie. neo dies but come back to life ( "it looks like yuor waiting for something" "for what" yuor next life maybe, who knows".) thats whats awsome about the movies cuz everythig njust works out one way or another

MC Mike
yes's great!

I hope that they pu t an extended version of revo when it comes out on dvd. my theory is that the actual movies that where made (m2 and 3) where supposed to be on movies or reloaded was gunna have more of a plot to it, but had to change it cuz the original actress for the oracle died which sucks cuz the new ones not half os good.

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