The purpose of Agents

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Just a question that botherd me since I first saw Reloaded.... Why are the (new) agents chacing Neo and making it so difficult for him to return to the "source" when this is actually his only goal?
It off course is very obvious that Smith wants him dead, for he no longer is an agent and knows that Neo is the only thing that stands in his way to destroy teh Matrix. But what about the uploads? Why don't they want the magnificant 3 to capture the keymaker? That's the most easy way Neo can return to the source, and do what he is supposed to do.

If the Oracle knows this and the architect does, why don't the Agents fullback? I don't believe it's some kind of Total Recall-story. So tell me:

Why do the Agents make it so difficult for Neo to return to the source, if they know that Neo is their only hope to Reload?

(By the way, I'm starting from the idea that the Agents are "working" for the Matrix...

because they are programs. and stopping the Hackers from freeing people from and running rampant is there purpose. that is what they do. with out purpose they are nothing

does that make sense or am i rambling trying to be all cryptic like?

Hmmm, yes. It does make sence in the way that that is the only reason to explain way the agents frustrate their own system.

But off course.. it's not LOGICAL! Because... if their purpose is still to capture Neo, than they've become rouge programms because their goal is no longer nessecary. In fact, their goal could mean the end of the Matrix. So.... My question stands...

here's asemi off topic question i had.. in Reloaded.. the agents are upgraded.. but yet. in M1 we are told over and over again you see an agent you run.

but in reloaded morpheus does a lot better in his agent fight (on top of the truck) with an upgraded agent than in M1 with a not upgraded agent. what was upgraded abt them?

but with your question my point was that is what they are programed to do.. they would have to be rewritten again.. but then again.. i think there was more to it than just that. i noticed to that if neo was Suppose to go to the source then why would the agents make it hard for them?.

my only other explanation is to give the illusion of choice. to make the struggle more believable by putting up a good fight and getting in the way of Neo returning to the source..

Excellent way to break it down. Computer programs do it all the time.

i thought it was to "make the path of the One", so that the zion people would say "woah, the one kicks agents ass, lets believe in this prophecy"
it is also why smith did not kill neo in the subway, he probably did have more bullets, but COULDNT kill neo cos he was not meant to

O, thanx for your version of the agents-theorie. But the thing that now's troubbling my mind is....
Even though the Agents 're programmed to kill / track down / make it difficult to fulfill the profecy, they're probably never able to acctually kill the one, or whatever. They 're maybe able to make the path difficult (I like that Sandman), but can't stop him from fullfilling his duty. That's maybe why Morph is fighting the Agent this good, because if he'd lost the fight in Reloaded, then Neo wouldn't succeed in returning to the source.

So, the agents are just programmes playing along?


Eggzaktlee. It's like Neo is a sort of program (worm?) specifically designed to outdo the Agents (which I guess are like firewalls). You figure if Archie could make the Matrix down to every detail, he could also control certain variables within it to keep Neo alive to fulfill his purpose but also keep the facade.

On the other hand, if Neo did die before becoming The One, there would be no Smithvirus, and you get the point from here.

Yeah I agree about the agents being upgraded, and that they fought to neo to give him the illusion of struggle, when really, they could have fell back at anytime, but that would've made the freeing of other humans much easier and would've threatened the machines too much.

I don't believe Neo is a programm. Because I don't believe that Archi. is able to make a programm human. I think the agents are just playing and fighting along, and Neo has no idea, because he has no idea at all about anything in Reloaded.

Agents know that Neo at that time (I'm talking about the freeway scene) Neo still needs Morpheus and Trinity to fullfill his duty, and that's why tey (can't) kill Morpheus. That's what I think. But I don't know if they just can't (they're not programmed to do so), or if it is their choice not to do so.

I'm sorry Neo carries a program, he isn't a program, but if you're in the matrix you can be compared as such.

I believe the agents are just fulfilling there "purpose" by trying to stop Neo. They are not aware that the One must reach The Source in order to reset the Matrix. It is just another form of control. By chasing Neo and Co. gives them the appearance that they are "free" when they are in fact "not free" like Smith told Neo. The agents are just pawns of the system and have no idea was the real big picture is. Although Agent Smith in M1 was aware that there was at least one earlier version of the Matrix. Perhaps that is a system of control over the agents to make them "feel" like they are free also. Whatever. My point is, since the One needs to get to The Source, in the previous 5 versions of the Matrix Neo must not have been killed and made it to the Architect were he agreed to return to the Source. This time however, Neo was killed, brought back to life & destroyed agent Smith. I think that those changes allowed for the cycle of Matrix reloading to be broken and peace to be achieved. I think Neo was much more powerful than he had been in previous versions because of Trinitys love or something. I think he gained powers much faster by the resurrection immediately telling him "He is the One" versus a more gradual realization. His overlapping with Smith and the sharing of his powers demonstrates his "Neos'" potential. Plus this love for Trinity allows him to reject the Architects built in end to the cycle by giving him another choice. What would Neo choice been previous Matrix cycles ave Zion or what else?

the agents dont want to kill neo, thats why smith throws his gun down when fighting neo, even though he could KABLMAOOO has brains all over the floor

MC Mike

have u ever shot someone in the head? thats the kinda sound u expect yes

MC Mike
Ever HAD someone shoot you in the head? shifty

OK, Dave 123... If the Agents don't want to kill Neo, than what is their purpose? Entertain the path? Because otherwise the first 2 movies weren't as spectacular as they are now?

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