Final scene question

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At the end of Revolutions the Architect tells the Oracle, she plaid a dangerous game (or something like that). She says that, well, every change is difficult.

What is the point of this dialogue? What are they talking about? Is the Archi. talking about the Oracle being taken over by Smith? But she couldn't prevent that, could she? Or, what else is he ltalking about? To what is he referring, and what did the Oracle had to do to make it less risky?

The oracle was helping the humans...that's how it was risky...the oracle is a program and is part of the matrix but she helped the humans. the change she was talking about is probobly how they must get used to living without humans for energy.

She helped humans? I just thought she guided Neo, but not in favor of humans or machines, but just for what's right. And with change I think she means the reloading of the Matrix, as it happend 5 times before.

How should the oracle have handeld otherwise?

The none
The Oracle is a programme that believed in the co-existance of human and the machine, that's why she gave a hand to Neo.

Her opposite was the Archie, like Neo to Smiddy, like Zion to 01.........
Happy Dance

eek! i hadn't caught that last one.. good point!

I think the risky part was allowing herself to be copied. She clearly knew that Smith was coming, her body language gave it away. I believe that she knew that Smith couldn't hanlde her down and would backfire and destroy Smith. If Smith could realize and harness the Oracle's powers, it could of been the end. That what was risky.

The One Himself
She knew that the answer to end the war could be the Neo sacrifice...

Lord Soth
I love the theory of opposites, another great idea for the series

The Unknown
Allowing Smith to copy onto her wasn't risky because Smith might be able to use her powers because she couldn't see who would win, which is why Smith didn't know if it was over.

the oracle changed for she can't see the future ("correct"wink, and like this, she left to be assimilated by smith, for he thought that would win Neo.
It's probably the reason to he have tried to assimilate Neo

The Unknown
The Oracle can see the future, but not all of it.

Helping Neo...that was her risk! Wasn't it obvious she wasn't supposed to be doing that?

Since this is Final Scene Questions, I am going to ask this. When the "Huge Machine Head talking thing" uses Neo to kill of the Smiths. I thought that he could of just done that with another program. Like just go to the mainframe and fund a program that is being taken by Smith, then do just like they did with Neo. Or was Neo special :P ?

the end the oracle/smith had seen, was taking over neo


Oba, the answer to your question is actually very simple. It is just the path that the Architect was talking about in Reloaded. The machines need the code Neo carries, and finally he was given the right code (by smith) to reload the Matrix. That's why no other program would be able to fight Smith. Well, it could be fighting Smith but to reload the Matrix, Neo's code is needed.

So, the Architect has allways been right, and Neo did finally return to the source to give him his code, but he just took a longer path.

The Unknown
I don't think the Matrix was reloaded, the damage was just undone.

The none
Oh yeah the Matrix did have reloaded, but not in the way it used to be.

The whole saga brought upon 2 major changes, that is:

1)The Matrix game is over, no more the Ones.

2)A truce was inked between human n the machines for the first time, people do not have to rebuild Zion over n over again.

As for the future, who knows? rolling on floor laughing

U know what? I would rather let it "hanging out there" this way. PLEASE, NO SEQUELS!!

well l dont think it would have been as simple as the machines using anyone who was being infected to delete smith as obb puts it.the whole thing was never going to end as long as neo was still around.which is why you hear smith asking neo why he keeps fighting as if he will change or accumplish anything by so doing.
the path of the one was to go through a journey with the ppl of zion and at the end return to the source..machine main frame .. with the codes that would make the matrix more acceptable to the majority.thats why there where 5 neos before but this time neo became an anormally and made decisions he never made in the past thus the whole neo smith fights contiuned.once smith finished asking him why he kept fighting blablabla, neo realised it wouldnt end as his path was already laid out hence he allowed smith to copy him and thus, he was defeated by smith and he returned to the source delivering the codes that the machines required from him.which is why the oricle says at the end they hope to see neo again cozhis programme is stored.the only difference is that this time around the oricle managed to use neo to acquire peace before he returned to the source.he was free to return to the source if he wanted but due to the love he had for trinity he did not return in m2 but chose to bring her to life.if he had chose the other door there would have been no m3 coz he would have returned to the soucrce with the codes which is why the arch says it was a dangeruos game coz oricle was playing something like chess with the humans.she would tell them things that would gide them on a certain course of action which she knew would could get them to where she wanted if they listerned but she could not see past their when she let herself get copied by smith, that was so neo can realise what he has to do coz when the smith that infacts her speaks to neo it says 'everything that has a begining has an end' and neo knew this was one fight he didnt have to fight coz thats what the oricle always said.the gamble was if neo didnt realise that then the oricle would have stayed infected for no gain.

hope it all makes sense.

The Unknown
Matrix Online is coming out, so there will be a "sequel". Battles will be held between the people who want the Matrix destroyed and those who don't.

The none
Hell No!! Is that really??!! Sometimes I just can't understand y everything have to be so plain........Not Again, Not this thime, pls.

The none
Oh u r talking about online game right? Blimmy......... big grin

The Unknown
Yeah, the game.

the game sounds interesting

Yeah, ok. Enough about the game, start a new thread!

This one is about how the next anomaly will react to his purpose. And in fact, the only answer I heard was that there will be no next One. I actually think there will be, as soon as the Architect does not keep his promise to free the ones who want to be freed. 'Cause as soon as he breaks it, their will be an anomoly as the last 6 Matrix' had.

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