Conclusion of the matrix concept
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The message u can conlude from the matrix is that an anamoly can not exist in anycase. so why try to be different.
The none
No offence mate, but I guess what u've said is no conclusion, but confusion.
Take a deep thought at the sequels' title - REVOLUTION.
In any revolution in human history, people fight for what they believed, fight for what needed to be fight, not just "trying to be DIFFERENT", or else dancing nude on the street in broad daylight shall be much more easier.
The Omega
I have to agree with The None here. The Matrix movies are in no way about being different, for the sake of being different. They are about reality, choice, life, fate/purpose, to mention A FEW.
It's not about trying to be different.
I myself thought it was about what you CHOOSE to BELIEVE in.
But it is more about being different than you would think Omega.
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