What if......

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The none
I just can't help wondering what will it be if Neo chose the door his predecessors have chosen in M2.

My focus is not on him, nor the Archie, nor the Oracle or Zion, but - Smith.

I mean, how will the Archie tackle the "Smitty Crisis" if Neo choose to return to the cyle? He most probably won't be erased even if the Matrix reloaded, coz he's now a fierce virus, no longer under nobodys' control, even the Archie has no idea how to subdue him, or else he would never strike a deal with Neo.

Hmmmm, maybe the whole thing is a plot-inside-another-plot thing, that the Archie order his agents to stop acting like pawns this time but actually get the job done, that is, to kill Trinity in order to force Neo to choose the other door.........

Ouch! My head starts spinning again!!! rolling on floor laughing

the smith virus is the system crash right, neo created it, so i guess its smiths connection to neo..
when neo's one code would have went to the source and reloaded the matrix, it must have balanced out onto the smith(s)...
wait for someone clever smart

hmm.. it doesnt matter any way because it wasnt supposed to happen like that this time..
Happy Dance

MC Mike
Also waits for someone clever. smart

The none
Not really burly, though Neo n Smitty was somehow connected, they r two separate individuals, it doesn't necessarily mean that one can't live without the other, I mean, they're not Romeo n Juliet aren't they?!

Mathematically, if u take away the +1, the -1 should still be there shouldn't it? They will disappear only if u ADD them together.

BTW, instead of the +1/-1 theory, I'd rather choose the ying/yang one.

The combination of +1 n -1 or zero, nil, nothing. But the combination of ying n yang, is Harmony.

The none
Hmmmmm, nobody interested? Guess it's sorta off-topic. Well anyway, closing....... embarrasment

Hey Burly, have I ever told u that I kinda like your banana thing? Happy Dance

The One Himself
I think at that point the Architect did not know that Smith was growing in numbers...Or the two doors are the same: exits to the matrix?? ninja

The none
Huh?! The Archie didn't know?! That wouldn't be possible would it??

Well regarding the doors stuff, my guess is there were actually NO doors for the former Ones to choose, they're kicked right back to the source by the Archie when they reached that same room, n start the game all over again. HAHA.....

Hmmm...that's an interesting question. I think, that if the Matrix had been reloaded, the Smiths would have gotten deleted. That's just my opinion though.

The none
Again, not really trin. Smitty is now ABOVE the Matrix, he's no longer hardwired to nothing.

Think about your computer, u can't get rib of a virus just by rebooting it can u? Coz it's hijacked your system, just like Smitty did.

Th only way is to find an antidote, an anti-virus, ie, Neo, or else the Archie is nothing but a sitting duck, the whole system will definitely crash, just a matter of time.

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