rewriting the bible
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matrix is rooted in ancient and biblical myths and it is free for interpretation- it all reminds me of the bible and how people see in it what they want to see. it is truly a work of genii.
MC Mike
Took you that long to realize that?
ok, but seriously- matrix has some inconsistencies (and we know the bile has loads)- they could have been created deliberately
MC Mike
Did you know the liscense plates on some cars are bible psalms that are directly related to the story??? Really.
The Omega
Okay... and the point of this thread is?
If it's to discuss the religious references of the Cristian variety there is an entire thread JUST for that.
Otherwise... ?
MC Mike
Yes I am also confused...
Yeah, it basically ripped off the oldest text in existance, how brilliant.
OMG backfire has realised the truth: there is more to the matrix!
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