The Architect and Neo and the Oracle in M2 and M3

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The architect said that the door Neo chose led to Trin and the destruction of the human race.

In M3 the oracle said the architect couldnt see past a choice.

When Neo was fighting smith in the Super Brawl
(not an exact quote)
Smith:Why do you persist Mr. Anderson, for love, for peace? Why?
Neo: Because I choose to. <My fav part of the movie>

Chances are the machines would shut down the Matrix is Neo failed, but he CHOSE to keep fighting.

The chioce the architect couldnt see past.

So in a way, the achictect was right and some ways he was wrong.

Either way, the oracle was right when she said the architect couldnt see past choice.

PS-That was why choice was the anomaly

Lord Soth
I completely agree, man. Great theory

The One Himself
But the Oracle said through Smith that everything that has a beginning has an end...Neo realized that his fate was the both cases the end is the same...Neo and Smith code become one.

Lord Soth
You ppl confuse me too much!!!!

You know, I never give these things much thought, but coming in here always make the Matrix movies seem way different then how I understand them when I first see them.

I agree with what you said, I just never thought about that until now.

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