Matrix Revolutions Extended Ending..ITS FOR REAL..WARNING!! SPOILER!!

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Neo_Version 7
My ass. But s0unds c00L! Keep up the fan-fiction, buddy!

I wasn't a fan-fiction.....

I downloaded and watched the extended ending from Kazaa

DVD of the Matrix: Revolutions should have it.

umm yes, well u say Neo got put back into the matrix just like any other normal person would.........but!

Hes remebers the real truth so his mind would get set free. like the Arche said.................And... what about the new agents in the world after smith.

Sounds cool but, I don't think so.

on kazza, what's the name of the file?

sounds cool, but dunno if it's real

the naked0ne
Seemed a drag of a flick really. whistle

The Omega

Neo_Version 7
Yeah Shizu!!! Get your lame-a$$ stories in the fan fiction forum! Doesn't belong here in the Matrix boards. You're playin BIG LEAGUE with us Matrix experts! We do our homework.

boy was that a load of crap. wasn't even good fanfiction.

That waz cool but no thats doesnt happen I checked kazaa he is full of it ther is no file that matches wht he said keep that stuff in the fan fiction please thanx alien

yes yeah... confused

yeah shizu wut the files name huh? we want to see dat s**t too! that is if it is real.

After the debacle I had with this and Ep. II I have a healthy new fear of spoilers, so I'm not counting out anything.

OH! Um of course: After all the anti-noob, anti-spoiler haterade we posted on this message board I never thought I would see new spoilers come out AFTER the movie was released!

Captain Wacky
In which movie did they mention Neo lived in New york? Please this is fake.

thats a terrible script. sorry. whether or not its real is irrelevant, that sucks. (seriously picture the machine saying that first line... how corny is that!??!)

well i just searched kazaa found nothing

mad don't post "spoilers" unless you can give some shread of proof mad

The Unknown
In the first one, they're passing Chinatown I think, and Neo says that he used to eat noodles there. But I don't know if there are other Chinatowns in the US.

if it where true why is he remembering the past.aint that dangerous to the machines?

if its a real file, then you should chop it up using a program of your choice, and giving it to someone to post smile

There's a Chinatown in Boston.

I want a filename here, please.

theres a chinatown in boston, vegas, san fransisco, florida(somewhere) chicago..and many other places

i dunno, the ending of the script was okay, but NEO CRYING...please

The Omega
Still no word from the writer in spe.

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