Who's Seen Revolutions More Than Once?

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This is the thread for people who've seen it at lest twice. I just wanna see who's seen it more than once. I'm only fourteen and even thought I' a true Matrix fan, I can't see it whenever I want to. But, I've seen it twice. The first time with my mom and little brother and the second time my dad got me in and I saw it with my friend.

Neo_Version 7
I've seen it about 15 times already. G0t it on DVD.

isn't it called VCD?

i've only seen it once sad , i'm college, don't have time. but i'll try to get it on vcd too, and i'm gonna go see it at least once more

I've seen it enough times to put my name on this thread.

4 times

black 4ngel

Agent Phillips
Also 14, also twice. Both times with the same guy, only the first time I went dressed as Smith, the second time as Neo.

Agent Phillips> Cool, hehe.


posted by sith
isn't it called VCD?

ur right cause there is no dvd of it out.. he either mis posted or is a liar.. there is an svcd out though...

heres a sample.. oh and ive seen it about 3 times all the way through

I've seen it twice - I saw it the day it came out and then again the Sunday after ^^ No costume, unfortunately...I haven't even started my Trinity costume yet.

The Omega
3 times... But that's about to change smile

i dont want to see it more than once.

The One Himself
4 times for while...


3 times.

I've heard rumors that because Revolutions isn't making as much money as the last 2 films they are in fact losing money or something, so they are negotiating bringing Revolutions out on DVD before christmas in a boxset kind of thing.

Anyone heard this??

2 times so far....and that's all i'm gonna see on the big screens. I'll get the bootleg and enjoy the home leisure of watching

Mordecai>I heard the same thing, they said they're not making as much money and people are downloading the movie off of the internet. They said it could be out by January by itself and in a box set, and if sales continu to drop then it could be out by X-Mas.

I hope they release it for Christmas.

Neo_Version 7
Im not a liar. I own that on DVD with t0ns of Special Features included. Docs and behind-the scene shit.

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