Matrix is Star Wars for our generation

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ok this obviously depends on how old you are but i was born in 1982 so didnt appreciate the star wars thing until i was much older,

but people who remember matrix coming out in 1999 and its two sequels are gonna be obsessing about it in 30 years time like people still do with Star Wars.

therefore Matrix is Star Wars for our generation

(its only possible peer is LOTR which has the benefit of followers of the books before the films.)


Maybe so...

sure is

yeah i think matrix trilogy will stand the test of time in the same way the original star wars has.

the first one made a huge impact.
both sequels highly anticipated.
revolutionary (no pun intened) effects and scenes in all 3 films.
relates to various myths, legends, religions, books, philosophies etc and has ambigious aspects so will be discussed at length on multiple levels by different people.

I absolutely agree.

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