Neo V.S Jesus.......

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lets address this, the question that no one wants to ask, but everyone wants to know, who would win? neo....or....Jesus (assuming they were in the matrix, of course).....personally i say Neo.......cause Neo knows kung fu..

I'm not touching this issue with a 20ft pole big grin

The One Part 2
You're kidding, right? In the Matrix, on the moon, anywhere Jesus could simply wink the universe out of existence. Just because Neo is compared to Jesus, doesn't mean he would be anywhere near as powerful as the Son of God... even in the Matrix.


Oops - we've gone into religious territory here.

Erm, can we close this?


Ah, if only Korri, if only

Careful there - you're coming down with "Burlyman Syndrome" - delusions of modhood big grin

laughing where is burly?

burly post your picture!! i love it!!

I'll pick the original...Jesus.

Neo IS Jesus!!...........ok, maybe not........

Neo's a ripoff of jesus.

no jesus can not "wink the universe out of existance" hes not "god" (if there is a god) who would win in a fight.....Neo would, i think, hes the One, ahhhh well i say Neo...........jesus was "good" but hes not the one..

Why would someone even make a topic of this? Lets clear something's up. By saying Jesus isn't God you're saying he doesn't exist. So it would go Neo vs No one instead. However since Neo is suppose to be based from him. It would compare like this:

Neo: Unlimited potential in the Matrix to bend the rules. Can defeat programs, relive dead after short period of time, can fly and alter code.
Outside the Matrix to an extent he can control machines connected to Source and see them is fire vision. But still "only human."

Jesusmessedon of God, Unlimited power in ANY reality, heal diseases, raise dead no matter how long gone, knows everything he wants and needs to know and Finally assended and returning someday. 100%man and God.

In the name of all things holy, good and pure; someone get the mode and shut this off. PLEASE.

Me fight Neo? Dude thats a good one!

Jesus has God on his side, but Jesus does miracles, but he doesn't have superpowers like Neo, so God knows who would win? laughing out loud

This is the dumbest topic ever. You guys take this movie way too seriously and need to get a life. To compare a movie character to christ is ridiculous.

Husky, you're right. Neo ISN'T Jesus. Neo and Jesushave similar connections, but Neo isn't the son of God. Get a life!

Yes they share very vague similarites but Jesus was about peace and he never had any lobby scenes or had to fight anybody. They are extremely vague similarities.

Jesus did beat the money changers in the temple. I guess that would be his lobby scene of his day. Remember they didnt have Tech-9s way back then. wink

neo is a second rate jesus and a third rate cheech and chong

jesus could snap his fingers and make the matrix never exist

I love the influence religion has over the minds of the world.
Watch me pull a rabit out of my hat. Nothing up my sleeves! Presto!

Mankind needs to stop overdosing on the blue pills.

This question is dumb! Sorry!....... roll eyes (sarcastic)

I agree with you 100%!


Neo is nothing compared to Jesus no matter what any of you think.God could fight neo in his sleep.This topic is stupid and pointless and its wrong to even compare the two.

The Matrix Has You Punker.....

FOCK YOU Anomaly for starting this thread!

Llaughing out loudL!

I knew someone was going to lose it sooner or later! Looks like Punker is on the verge of cracking.

neo can dodge bullets, they wernt around in jesus' time

Dave thats what i've been saying. Lets see Jesus take out a few sentinels while blind. When I see that, then we can talk. smile


Jesus might have been the son of God but most of his 'miracles' were apparently morality justifying metaphors. Then again... he could bargain with Neo in the real world by restoring his human sight if he didn't fight because Jesus is loving and caring and doesn't beat people up. I'm not a Christian, I have no organized belief but I do appreciate the moral justice of Jesus Christ. Booya.


blink no comment

Hey how about Changing this to the reasons we think Neo is symbolized as Jesus instead. I'll start it
-He came back to life after being shot to death.
-The dude that came to Thomas Anderson's door said "You're my savior, My own personal Jesus Christ" I think this is sort of a inside joke, or just a little hint.

By the Matrix, as I said hours ago, PLEASE get rid of this topic. This topic has no purpose and explains nothing. mad Though I suppose we know what to expect from The_Anomaly in the future.

I hate to state the obvious, but Jesus was never shot.

Tis true. Yes he was never shot, but he was stabbed! smile

But he wasn't stabbed to death. He was only stabbed to make sure he was dead. Also, Neo was never stabbed. The knife missed, and the sword was more of a slashing motion big grin

Blasphemy!!!!! Okay maybe or maybe not.....after all God does have a sense of Humor (I think) Let's see, Neo? Jesus? in a figth? Uh-uh sorry Keanu fans but Jesus get's the win. Jesus came to us as teacher and preacher and we should pay attention cuz in his second coming he ain't going to be as nice as the first time.

I mean come the same way God said "let there be light" he could also say "let there be darkness" and Neo and all of us are dead...... end of story.

I find it funny that most of you are taking this topic seriously.

Its meant as a joke.

So plz stop overdosing on the blue pills will ya?

if neo tried any of that crazy shit with jesus, like flashing his piece
jesus would take it away from him and stick it up his ass and pull the trigger till it goes "click"

Thank, god this topic is over!

Now i'm even getting tired of this topic. For F*ck sake it only a joke!!

Man you guys take this crap to its limits. I mean really!

I can see now that If some of you died and found out that the jesus that you worship were not real. Most of you would not know what to do with yourselves. And if he is real, then ask yourself this question. what are you going to do once you get to heaven? Worship God? Then what? In my opinion it would get really boring if I had to worship God 24/7 for eternity.

What type of God needs to be told all the time that hes good, even when hes not? Are you willing to be as Arse kisser for eternity?

Oh and one more thing. Ask yourself why does God need worship anyway. The way the bible tells it, it like hes addicted to it like crack.

Is he really worthy of it? Why dosen't he worship you in the same way?

Oh thats right we are as filthy rags in he eyes.

Religion = Mass brainwashing at its finest.

Free your mind and think for yourself.

Wow this topic just strikes a nerve in me......

Look I'm sorry if I offended anyone. Just had to get that off my chest.

Omega plz do me a favor and close this thread. I think that would be best for all parties involved. Cuz its getting really silly now.

have you ever seen the movie The Big Lebowski Urot?
because i wasnt serious that is a quteo from the move from a bowling
character named jesus quintana

The Omega
Wo-aw! Missed this thread.
Consider this closed from yesterday even.
Religion and politics ALWAYS brings out the worst in people, which is one of the reasons that said topics are NOT for this forum. For the reasons seen in this thread,

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