Connecting Names

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Captain REX
Since we all know that most people and things in the Matrix have names that have mythological or technological connections, I thought it would be fun to have a thread where we find these connections and post em here.

For example, I'll use Morpheus and the Nebuchadnezzar.

Character: Morpheus
Connection: Morpheus was the name Greek God of dreams.
Why?: The theme of dreaming was used throughout the first film.

Ship: Nebuchadnezzar
Connection: King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon from the Bible.
Why?: The theme of dreaming was used throughout the first film, and King Nebuchadnezzar had bizarre dreams of the fall of his kingdom. King Neb was quoted by Morpheus in Reloaded: "I once had a dream, and now that dream is gone from me."

Give it a go, see what you can find!

Captain REX
Oops! I think this is what the Matrix Encyclopedia is... embarrasment

Captain REX
Nevermind, no it isn't...

right! yup we'll post stuff but erm It'll take a while before someone posts something sensible

Fairly blatant and slightly off topic.

Neo's "friend" in M1 is named Choix.
Choix = 'choice' in French. Whole fuzzing theme of the Matrix much? smile
And we all thought he was so insignifcant... well, I didn't. I thought we was cool.


The Merovingin is named after a line of French kings (hence his fondness of the rench language). I don't know all the details, but they were greed like the Merv and were somehow connected to Jesus.

Ikobe> you were almost right, but his name doesn't end with 'x''s just Choi...

and this has been done exhaustively before...

Captain REX
Well I haven't been here exhaustively before, Jedi, sorry... embarrasment

Captain Roland of the Mjolnir was named after Roland, a French hero celebrated in medieval chansons de geste as the nephew of Charlemagne and defender of Christianity who was killed in battle against the Saracens at Roncesvalles in A.D. 778.

i know, i'm sorry, just get tired of rewriting the same thing over and over again...and i totally forgot about Roland...thanks

Captain REX
laughing out loud Quite alright, and you're welcome. smile

Also, we all know Mouse is named after a rodent right? Well, another meaning for mouse is a timid, cowardly person. Mouse chose the biggest guns they had and was kind of a nerd, so what do you think?

black 4ngel

Is there any sig with Soren, Logos, Niobe or the Machine City's name "01"?

I think I figured out where Soren came from. I don't know if this is the one though. Click the link (duh)

Here's another one in general

The One Himself
APOC - in the original script for Matrix, Neo recognizes him as the hacker who wrote the "Four Horsemen" virus. I can only assume then, that APOC is short for APOCALYPSE

An oldie but one that still gets me to this day - mainly due to the fact that it is in the 1st movie:

The name of the room where Neo meets Morpheus for the first time, is called "The Lafayette Room". The name of the scene was dubbed "The lafayette pill scene by the Directors and this is how they described the ending of the Matrix Storyline (Not Revolutions, but the Matrix world):

With silver shells and lafayette pills along an assembly row.

Want to know the significance?

General Marquis de Lafayette was one of the leaders of the American 'Revolution' in 1775. He was appointed a Major General on August 1st, 1777. His famous saying was "Why not?"

Fill in the blanks and see why it is relevant smile


sifer>With silver shells and lafayette pills along an assembly row.

explain this more please

thomas - doubting thomas
he doesnt believe the world around him in M1

The Unknown
Cain and Abel - Abel dies, Cain survives. Biblical Cain kills Abel. Biblical Cain had a mark put on his hand. Lycanthropes (Dobermen) have the pentagram on their hand.

what does NEO mean?


I never really noticed how many refrences there are to the bible in this movie. It almost seems like EVERY bit of deatail had some connection with the bible...


no probs, as always...

the unknown>Lycanthropes (Dobermen) have the pentagram on their hand.

is that in the film?
anyone got a pic?

Mistique> Not EVERY detail, because some are meant to be hinduist, or buddhist, clearly NOT biblical...but there are alot of parallels to the Bible, yes...


DA203 (Trinity and Morpheus' car)
Bible: Daniel 2:03
"I have had a dream that troubles me and I want to know what it means."

Merovingioan: "You see, he's just a man" (when Neo is bleeding)
is a free translation of the words "ecce homo" which refer to Jesus and the proof that he is a mere man, because of his suffering. Maybe Smith/Bane cuts his hand to see the blood, as a proof that he is now more man than before.



The Unknown
Sorry if I confused you. I put Dobermen in there so you'd know that they're like Lycanthropes. In the Matrix, they don't have the pentagram, that's just mythology.

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