Program Awareness (hypothetical) Freedom in the eye of the beholder

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Ok. So... If programs such as sati's parents, the frenchman,etc.
all are aware that there is the matrix.. and the machine world.

1) Why didn't the frenchman or others try to get out.
I'm guessing that living free in zion doesn't look as appealing as living in the matrix. From a program perspective. why leave the matrix and work as a machine (if you are aware) when you can stay in and kick back.

or leave the matrix by downloading yourself into a human shell and live in zion eating.. mush and wearing raggedy torn clothes with the perception of freedom.

Who has it better.?A "free" human in zion or a "free" program in the matrix.

Couldn't Smith have used the train man to go from the matrix to the machine world if he wanted out so bad. granted he did take over banes body and got out that way.
couldn't the others have done the same thing.

couldn't rama kandra and family downloaded themselves into some humans body and went to live in zion (on earth)?

Maybe I am missing some machine/program code of ethics. That they aren't allowed to just randomly assimilate a human for their own needs like smith did.

2) Trinity and others know how to do some kick ass stuff in the matrix, why do they still need to jack in? Even neo himself. Its just a transfer of energy right? out of body experience....

Programs cannot just copy themselves as Smith does, Smith is a virus.

They can't just "download" into a living human, they have "shells", but cannot escape The Matrix as far as i know, they are basically jacked in just like the humans. Although i'm guessing that Merv could get them out through Mobil Ave, but he is a very stubborn program so yeah.

I agree with the whole The Matrix is Zion for programs/machines, it does make some sense.

The reason Trinity and alike can do such things in The Matrix is because The Matrix isn't real, and they know and truly believe it isn't real, hence they have the will to "bend" some rules.

Just like if i truly believe i could bend my desk like rubber, i could.

when a program leaves the matrix they dont go to the real world they go to the source (the machiene mainframe) not to zion and a program cannot go in to a human shell.....programs use mobile ave. if they are going to be deleated or they have no purpose

The Omega

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