Who else has seen ROTK? (spoilers, obviously)
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I saw it, and holy freakin' crap was it awsome! I practically bawled when Pippin sang his song when Farimir went to Osgiliath. and the army of the dead wasn't half bad either.http://www.killermovies.com/forums/images/moresmilies/clapping.gif http://www.killermovies.com/forums/images/moresmilies/clap.gif http://www.killermovies.com/forums/images/moresmilies/cry.gif http://www.killermovies.com/forums/images/moresmilies/starwars.gif
Pippin's song was greeat!! I have Sountrack and boy is it someting!
Home is behind.....The world ahead...
And there are many paths to tread...
Through Shadow...To the edge of the night...
Until the stars are all alight
Mist and Shadow....Cloud and shape...
Hope shall fail....All shall fade...
But there are actually already several threads about that
someone's a party pooper................
Exa's not a party pooper, she's just tired of millions of new threads about RotK
I have n this shoulda been said on the other threads instead of starting a new 1. But anywayz i loved!!!! it it was the best film ever completly. I went with my 2 friends (they r boys n im a girl) n i started cryin when it finished n they were laughing at me so i kicked them (this is a little off topic but oh well) and they hated it but hey thats thier oppinion not mine i thought it totally kicked arse... by the way has anyone got the full of grace scrrensaver its really cool its LotR obviously and its pritty sad
but check it out just search google 2 download it
i think i saw the movie.
oh wait i did....no...
yes er
maybee...uh hu...i think it was december.
yeah i did
i'm sure
i think
sam was sooo cool. whacked gollum w/ his frying pan, attacked shelob, he totaly rocks.
Sean Astin portrayed Sam perfectly, I think his performance really made most of the viewers go tear-eyed.
Amazing movie. The end was off though, I didn't like those blank pauses.
the witch king was not done justice in rotk... they shoulda showed him f*<!& up some elves or soldiers or something... i'm talking decapitation here... he swung his mace a few times-- pfft !!! big deal... he shoulda gotten more action... like maiming a few elves here and there... maybe legolas's hand-- or arm-- whatever
... in either case Nazguls rule all
The Witch King was pimp man!!!! Nazguls do rule
Silver Surfer
I've seen it 4 times in three days! I love Pelenor Fields the best! Merry was awesome when he stabbed the Witch-King in the bac, and then Ewoyn stabbed his face. Yeah, she fooled that guy pretty bad! Faramir was cool as usual! Aragorn of the course was the best one there. (My opinion)
i cannot see how eowyn slipped out into the battle feild... her face was smoother than a baby's arse... look at the rest of the guys, SCRUFFY FACIAL HAIR... hello!!! now unless there were elves in the movie except for legolas, she looks totally like a girl!!! and no!!! stabbing the witch king by the back was totally wussy (pussy + wuss) and uncool!!!
-.- Ok now you're going a bit too far....
sorry... lost composure there
... anyways, nice work, tolkien
I saw Return Of The King.. it was AWESOME! I saw it twice (once with my mother, once with my 20 year old bro) and now im going to go see it with my friends in about a half hour ^.^ Yay! lol
Anyways, the movie was GREAT! The first time I saw it was when I cried the most. LOL!
I cried a TON at the first time seeing it. Im a real easy cryer when it comes to movies.
Second time I only cried at the gray havens.
lol um.... and I hope not to cry at all this time...
Hehe, well, the movie was a 10/10 for me!
what's wrong with merry stabbing him in the leg? he's a hobbit, how much can he do?
Actually I cried more the second time I saw it....
First I cried when Frodo sent Sam away..
Second time I cried it was when Sam said "I can't carry it for you, Mr. Frodo...but I can carry!" And he picks Frodo up.
Third time was when Frodo wakes up and sees Gandalf and the others.
Fourth time was when Arwen and Aragorn are reunited.
Fifth time was when Aragorn says to the Hobbits, "my friends....you bow to no one..." And then all the people in the court yard bowed.
Sixth time was when Frodo was saying goodbye to everyone in the Grey Havens.
Scrolling tex!!
The sword Merry had was from the Barrow-downs and it has the ability to make a Nazgul mortal. So when Merry stabbed the Witch King with it, he actually made him mortal. And then Eowyn gave the final blow.
ok. THAT'S what a hobbit can do. go hobbits!
I wish they'd put in the scowering of the shire. that rocked! that's revenge of the hobbits!
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