What character are you most like?
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I think i'm most like ... Pippin. LOL! Though my favorite character is Aragorn, I think Im most like Pippin...
How 'bout you?
I would have to say Boromir, I am one who would defend young innocent people in the face of danger, but also I am one of those cunnings who would try and take the ring for my own!
...um...i do not know...but my fav chacters are the ringwraiths.....um...you know there are site like quizilla that have all these kinds of quizes like that and stuff
Hmmm....Not sure about who I'd be.
I think I'm like Arwen, though I don't like her much.
And some points I'm like Eowyn, and I don't like her much either.
So I think I'm more like Glorfindel....GO GLORFINDEL!!!
um...i'd have to say...um...the mouth of sauron...i like to make deals with people
I'd love to think that I'm like Pippin but I doubt that many people will say that. Sure, I love to eat and can be terribly mischievous/silly/immature/annoying but alas! I fear that too few people will believe the same thing.
I suppose I'm also a little like Frodo and Bilbo, not in the brave and courageous sense, but in the sense that I can read and read and READ and I'm also extremely good at sitting in a corner with a book and switching off all other activity
So, there you go, my answer is?: I don't know. I don't suppose any of you could even hazard a guess to who I am most like?
Oh, I have an idea...who in the books is very fickle? This is the third time I've changed my signature today!
come to think of it, perhaps the eagles would be a good one?
Discos you can be Gwaihir since you're a die-hard Eagle fan, Gwaihir's the Lord of the Eagles.
i'd say the strider... not aragorn, he is king... his alter ego is more like me... very mysterious and mindful of everything...
I think I am mostr like sam not just because he is me precious *snickers* but cuz i love to eat and happy , but when I have to do something hard .. I do it ... and the friendship Loyality too.
Dunno... I'm the elf on the left side in the third row...
BOPRecruit 16
i'm most like aragorn. i took a punch of lotr persona quizzes and most of them, i got aragorn. i'm most like him and to be paired with him.
Lol Cheers, I'll remember that in mind, I always keep forgetting the eagles name!
Discos - Now Gwaihir
i'm like a cross between eowyn and pippin, weird but true
not really so weird but they were a sort of great team, I would of thought someone from Rohiirm would notice a female and a hobbit (a hobbit who has been seen wondering the kingdom of Rohan) at the Pallonier fields (spelling?)
well i dont know who i am...any ideas?
Erm... hmmmm.... perhaps... this eeevil evil dark lord... what was his name? I cant remember... a YES sourone or something like that
:P well im not too sure, because we dont learn to much about sauron...i love it in silmarillion, his line
"i hear thou wouldst barter with me, what is thy price"
"only that i will be free to join (insert name here"
"that is a small price for such a large treachery, but very well"
"(he tells him everything"
"fool (insert name here) is dead, but you may join with her as you wished"
Let's see.... I think I'm more like a hobbit (not a specific one) but if had to pick a character it would be Bilbo.
If i had to pick I think I am..... Aragorn because I can swordfight, I am brave, I speak elvish, I am kind of a leader(well to my friends), but I am not as smart as him. It takes me a while to get to learn things.
I thought I already posted..oops...Ok, I think I'm most like Sam, because he's loyal....though I'm like Merry and Pip some too, the whole thing about being small but being tough when you need to...there's a lot of people to choice from...Frodo, sacrificial, Gandalf, savior, Eyown, determind, Aragorn, humble...the list goes on..but i'd have to say Sam for me, go Sam!!
i mostly like sauron ill get one high henchmen (sauraman) to do my work
Lady Ellie
I think I'm like Eowyn. I really hate it when women are not allowed to do certain things, just because they are women. ( like Eowyn is not allowed to fight) And I Looove swords and Eowyn's dresses!
I think I'm like Glorfindel
i think this thread is just for the movie not the book kitoky and plus he's not even like the main characters and they really dont telll about him and the woodelves so just talk what u r most like in the movie
One, there is so specific sign in which informs us that it's only for the movies.
Two, I don't care if he's not the main character, I like him, and he doesn't have the main character for me to be like him.
Three, All of the above.
Glorfindel has great character, the nobleties along with Erestor in the House of Elrond. Glorfy
I know what he looks like atleast, and I like him so I'm content.
i no hes a great character and he is very important in the chapter of flight to the ford but i think what kingofgondor292 is pretty much telling what are u most like in the MOVIE!!!!
I relate to Arwon the elf princess.
Probably a Ringwraith.
"...serve Sauron..."
The Inkeeper
Theoden, knows he cant win, but charges in anyway.
Doesnt get to see his victory either
no idea who I relate to
I'm a little like Sam. I'm loyal and pretty dumb most of the time, but a good kind of "I'll do anything for you" dumb. Naive about the world around me. A little like Faramir too. Seeming out of place, even though you know you are better than how you're being treated.
im preety high on the ringraith scale
Originally posted by Julie
no idea who I relate to
i'm taking a guess here...but
Flutter Fire
i probably relate most to the Gaffer....lol but i do like adventure.....so i wouldnt know who i would be
i would say i relate most to Arwen, either her or Eyowen because she likes aragorn, but he lieks someone else, and that always seems to be the case for me.lol
aww hug lol i always get that problem too
Slytherin Girl
An Elf princess ^^
I probably relate to Merry the most because he just can't let go of Pip and I could never let go of my bf either
he iws also really hottt.
i did an online quiz and i turned out as legolas,hence my avatar
Maglor and Fingolfin me.
Probably Sauron or a Ringwraith, because I don't have any friends, and I always have liked dark morbid things. Besides, I love having power...
I would be Frodo cause I'm short and I'm always in my own little world.
Hmm....well lately I've been rather depressed about different issues in my own life and other people's lives. So I feel alot like Nienna because she is alone and mourns for everyone. Like me because when my friends have problems, they become my problems too.
me i think i realate to gandalf
yeah thats it
I would have to say I am more like Sam since I am very loyal friend to anyone.
I even look like Sam as well.
I thnk we are all a little bit of every character. We all have a dark side.
I am Eomer, I am tall; proud, and yes even have sweet hair.
I am brave in my battles and take charge as leader very quick, I have might in my arm - mighty enough to throw the mightiest of spears
Discos - ok scrap that, I am Gwaihir
Gwaihir pwns Eomer anyway
strider(be4 aragorn)a nothing
so man7y of these threadzs i;m afraid, most likely if Exa has been on she wud have posted millions of links
Originally posted by Discos
so man7y of these threadzs i;m afraid, most likely if Exa has been on she wud have posted millions of links
I think I gave up.
Hey exa, it's a french poem you got there.
Pretty sad.
I relate myself to Merry or Pippin. They're both fun and energetic and love getting into trouble!
^^ niice.
I think myself and feanor would make a good pair of Mary & Pippin's.
Discos - I'm scottish and he makes me do stupid things which lands me into trouble
Originally posted by Discos
^^ niice.
I think myself and feanor would make a good pair of Mary & Pippin's.
Discos - I'm scottish and he makes me do stupid things which lands me into trouble
...i think i'll be pip and you can be Mary...
*cough* and since when did you have a scottish accent MR!
*scottish accent*
well...din ya know me bonnie lad...i canna always pretend i 'tweren't
Damn,that's hard but i would have 2 say.....Aragorn.
i think i relate to nob
I guess I would Legolas since all the ladies want me.
Just kidding..
I think I am more like Pippen. Always getting myself into some mess.
Padma Ly
Hmmmmm........... Difficult, difficult question.... It would probably be an elf because of the kind and loving nature, but surely not Arwen 'cause she has feelings for Aragorn, which is desire which leads to dukkha... So probably Lady Galadriel or even better the Ent's...
Legolas for sure i even go bow hunting wtith my dad allt he time
rubber dickie
the mouth of sauron
An elf, beautiful and terrible as a thorn.
Originally posted by DarthLazious
I would have to say I am more like Sam since I am very loyal friend to anyone.
I even look like Sam as well.
Fully agreed. I learn something from this movie. That's very hard to find a friend like sam, agreed?
Originally posted by WillKempsgirl
I relate to Arwon the elf princess.
Must.....Not....Point...Out...Spelling Mistakes!!....*gasp*
Character and Arwen...spelled wrong!
I always get Gondorians on the personality test. I'd say its fairly accurate.
i took a quiz and i got this answer:
You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.
Hummm I would have to say that I am probally most like Eowyn, in that I like to be involved in everything and if possible kill the WK and snag a man. LOL
Flying High
im not sure who i would be like...cause....i just....dont lol...
Hmm...This is a VERY difficult question. I'd probably get a much better answer if someone else gave their opinion on me. But anyway, to make my guessings, physical wise I am most like Arwen. But in any other way I suppose Id be like Aragorn. In the real world, Im pretty much in no way like him, but In the M.E world Id do my best, like everyone, to fight for Frodo as he's very weary from the Ring's power, but I wont give up on him and will fight to the death if I have to.
exanda kane
Maybe Faramir, maybe Aragorn, I have little idea because of comparing the context of our lives to theres is just...too thought provoking...
Depp Hottie
I would proably be Arwen
Samwise as i look up to him as a role model and he never gives up in even the worst situations
Doctor Lecter
I would say either:
Sauron - the Dark Lord
The Witch King of Angmar - Ringwraith leader
or another one of the Ringwraiths
My reasoning is that I love power, and I would want to have everyone under my control. Also, I love dark things, which is my reasoning for a Ringwraith.
Originally posted by Exabyte
Erm... hmmmm.... perhaps... this eeevil evil dark lord... what was his name? I cant remember... a YES sourone or something like that
u do mean SAURON right?
Saruman. he is my men from the evil part. He does a lot of things for sauron but died. I guess he has deserved to the death.
Vash Stampede
I wold Have to be aragorn because I do what is right and I give people hope to go on And i do not give up with out a fight I look on the bright side of things. But the most important things is That I am human and I make mistakes like aragorn In one part of the movie and I give the Credit where it is do
Love and peace
Spears shall be shaken shields shall be splintered a sword day a red day and the sun rises ride now ride now ride, ride for the ruin and the worlds ending death, death, death, death.
Everybody says it is Aragorn, the greatest leader, but I think of Theoden if we think the battle on Plennor fields only.
I'd say... Maglor for me. Very much
(Probably because roleplay has turned me into him a little... who knows :P)
I have a kind heart.....i am strong......Eyowen.....yea.
Originally posted by KingOfGondor292
I think i'm most like ... Pippin. LOL! Though my favorite character is Aragorn, I think Im most like Pippin...
How 'bout you?
I'd be Gollum. Tricksy at first, but redeemed in the end.
In Speech: Gollum, cause I can talk exactly like him.
In...reality?: I'm more like Boromir, a fighter who has enough brains to keep him "up there."
warcraft xs
i would probably end up being one of the guys like in two towers the first elf to get randomly shot at or the poor smo who had to go out with faramir on the horses
No idea who I am I do show traits of Gandalf, I am kind and caring but I can be quick to get annoyed and would rather not suffer fools for too long. I take quite a fair amount of joy in learning and progressing myself.
"i would probably end up being one of the guys like in two towers the first elf to get randomly shot at or the poor smo who had to go out with faramir on the horses", LOL I like your honesty! I would have to be one of the haradrim or easterlings reason being I look a little like one
am probley like gandalf or aragorn
Blaxican Hydra
I see myself as illuvitar
Rachel Evenstar
I would say I have a little bit of all the characters in me.
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