My ROTK poem...Not done yet...Tell me what you think...

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The sword of Isildur has been remade
Andurin was forged again in flame
Originally called Narsil, Isildur's heir takes it
Aragorn son of Arathorn takes his place, you see
As king of Gondor, who he was born to be

Pippin sings for the lord Denethor
Though he is only a steward of Gondor
He is soon released from Denethor's service
He tries to tell that Faramir is not dead
As Denethor pours oil over his head

Merry and Eowyn go to war at Gondor
Leading them is Theoden King with his hoarde
They fight in battle and slay the orcs
Theoden falls and is threatened by the Witch-King
Eowyn kills the fell beast, and she watches fall the huge wings

Frodo and Sam are near Shelob's lair
Gollum leads them up the steep stair
Through the tunnel with a horrid smell they must go
But Gollum has turned Frodo against Samwise
As Frodo leaves him, tears come to Sam's eyes

Gandalf leads the Gondorians to fight
To fight the orcs and Uruk-hai with all their might
Pippin comes to him and tells of Faramir and the steward
"Denethor has lost his mind, I fear"
Gandalf sets fire to Denethor and saves Faramir

I'm not finished yet. So tell me what you think of it so far. Yeah, it's not the best poem in the world, but I tried! stick out tongue I'll post the rest when I get done.


Happy Dance Thanx!

wow Someone is a poet !!! definately not me !!!

*claps* HUZZAH!!

Dang thanx guys big grin I didn't think it was THAT good.

Wowzers, bluddy brilliant if ya ask me

awsome blossom dude,good job

Thank you everyone *blushes*

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