Could you ever be immortal

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I know elves are Imomortal and they can only die by being killed.
But what would be like living longer then normall could you handle it.

Pfft yeah man, Look at Aragorn he lived til he was 210 and then he died. Due to the Numenorean blood. smile

But of course!!!!

elves can also die by grief, and they will all die when the earth is destroyed lol seeing as they are bound to it.

i myself could not be immortal, i would give it a go, but after a couple of millenium i would get bored

now invulnerablity theres something i would like, not being able to die at all, except old age, that would do it for me, wage mighty wars i would

No I think I couldnt.

Long life, ok. Some thousand years - ok (if there are enough books to read, no problem)
But not forever
Never having the actual chance to die except when all world is ended - no.

"Never is too long a word even for me" (Treebeard)

Did you know that it has been predicted that babies that are being born in this present day (as in the last couple of years) are expected to live up to the age of about 150?

Can't remember where I read that...but hopefully, that means that my children can celebrate their eleventy-first birthday and carry on the tradition! big grin

(Sorry, little off-topic!)

I don't think that I could do it, I would get bored I am sure!

yeah but if u have mortal friends you would see them die i mean what if Arwin stayed immortal and what would have happned if Aragon had died

oh wow, that means they will have better medical stuff, which we also will have meaning i can finally live my dream of return to sendering my postcard from the queen with abusive words on the envelope (you get a postcard from the queen when you hit 100< hardly seems worth it does it)

Being that old would cause pretty big problems in today's world.
Just think of people that usually stop working some time in their 70s - who would feed them the rest of their life?

well thats because they are not in good condition to work as they are in the twighlight years of their life, so basically if you lived to 150 you would retire in your 130s, so no problem there

being immortal is more of a curse than a blessing, for the elves it is different because they can go to the undieing lands when they feel their time has come, IRL there aint such a place

I don't think that this would really work. At least not during the first decades. Just imagine, babies born now 150 years, wed have to but up the border of working time nearly one year each year which can certainly not work (just imagine, you're 65 and the border is 66, next year you're 66 and the border is 67 and so on - wouldnt that be kinda annoying??)

well if the general population would be 150 ppl would need to work longer that's for sure, how much longer depends on how active those old ppl are

but more important, on the demographic overview of the country.Problem now adays in most EU countries is that we will have to few ACTIVE ppl (between 18 and 65) to support our general population in a few years. if you have enough active ppl it should work but if the life expectency is 150 (which sounds imazingly high and very far fetched) you will need a massive amount of ACTIVE ppl
or a liberal system, but that wouldn't be very nice and then the life expectency would never reach 150

anyways immortaltity is a curse

no but it would be funny to watch, nearly at damn nearly at damn.....

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