What you didnt notice? {Possible Spoilers}
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Is there anything in the movie that you didnt notice the first time you watched it?
I noticed that at the end when Frodo is writing in the book, there is a shield of Gondor in the backround. How kool.
The 2nd time I saw the RotK movie, when Arwen and Aragorn reunite, There's a shot with Elrond and Arwen next to each other and Elrond says 'Go to him'.
And the Grey Havens scene I finally say Cirdan.
When they showed Elrond during Aragorn's Coronation I saw GLORFINDEL!! Wooooooohoooooooooo
I'm happy!!
Wow, now i have to see it again. I MUST SEE GLORFINDEL. That go to him thing sounds pretty kool too. Im out for the night. Peace
i only saw it once
yes the 3rd time i saw it, when aragorn was at the black gate, the eye said aragorn
this might sound weird, or maybe its just the fact that the closet movie theater really sux, or maybe i'm just losin my mind...
but when i watched the movie the first time i saw Eowyn and Faramir look at each other before the scene went on but ever other time i saw the movie it seem to have been completely deleted or something
and this confuses me
Hmm I didn't see any of those things the second or first time. I did notice some obvious things that people said. The only reason I missed it the first time was because the friend I brought with me (who wasn't a big LOTR fan like I am...she said she "just likes it because of the action" and stuff) and she was talking the whole time. But I'm going see it again tomorrow and at HUGE screened theater so I'm hoping I'll see everything I didn't already. Whoop!
Yeah, they looked and smiled lovingly at each other while clapping for Aragorn.
For me, it's not necessarily "I didn't notice", but it's more of a "I didn't know that this man is supposedly this character" thing. It happened to me for Glorfindel and Cirdan. I knew that there was an Elf a little behind Elrond when Arwen went to Aragorn but I didn't know that it was supposed to be Glorfindel until recently when I saw it on a certain site. I also noticed that there was another Elf behind Galadriel at Grey Havens but I didn't realize that it was Cirdan 'coz he looks young and doesn't have a beard just like in the book. I thought it was Gildor Inglorion really, 'coz in the book he was there, as an escort. So I still looked for Cirdan until Exa told in another thread that it was Cirdan.
Glorfindel is cute, though.
Before Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli go inside the Paths of the Dead the horses runaway and you can hear Aragorn saying Brego
Okay - yes, Eowyn and Faramir are standing next to each other and they smile at each other (hint towards THEIR future). Did anyone see the ring on Gandalf's hand at the dock!? Aha! Elven ring of power - the other two are owned by Elrond and Galadriel. But I don't understand why GANDALF has a ring. Maybe it used to belong to Gil-Galad or someone? At the Black Gates, the Eye says: "Aragorn... Elessar". Elessar is his true name, and I would have been upset if they hadn't added it in somewhere!
Gildon!?!? Screw Gildon!!! I want it to be Glorfindel! I want it to be Glorfindel! *sniffs* You just ruined my day.....
*goes to wallop in self pity in her corner*
Gandalf's ring used to belong to Cirdan but he thought that Gandalf would have better use of it so he gave it to Gandalf. That ring is the Ring of Fire, the Red Ring.
Who's Gildon? Gildor??
It MUST be Glorfindel... though I do not think it is
and there were just too many blond elves
Did anyone else notice that Elrond had a RED Ring instead of a blue one??
(or was it Gandalf having a blue one - I dun remember I just remember that it was wrong)
I've only seen it once!
But its my birthday in a coupla weeks, I'll go and see it again then, and loads of other times - i have to see it AT LEAST three times in the cinema
Elrond's ring was blue, Gandalf's red, and Galadreil's white/silver (whichever way you look at it). The only ring name I know is nenya - Galadriel's.
Elrond's is Vilya, Gandalf's Narya
those two belonged to Gil-Galad in the beginning.
Ah so you finally got some time to see it Naz, what did you think of it?
Anyhows I have seen it 3 times (could have been a 4th yesterday but...meh) and when if the part where Eowyn & Faramir look at each other (at Aragons crowning) was always there.
They messed up the ring colors?!?!?! That would be really stupid. Next time I see it I have to pay attention.
And where is Glorfindel? I want to see him!
He is _perhaps_ standing next to Elrond in the scene of Aragorn's coronation; of course nobody stated that it IS Glorfindel but he looks like Glorfindel
Well on the other hand there are far too much Elves looking like Glorfindel in the film
though they all should be darkhaired.
you guys are really good. how can you notice those very little things? great. i should see the movie again (for the 3rd time). i will pay attention on those things.
Kitoky: my client asked me to ask you that what's Gandalf real name? my client and i think Gandalf is not his real name. we know that Gandalf has mnay name, but which one. PS. this is not a test! in fact i don't want to test anyone, i just need to know who is th real or who just fake it. coz i've seen from many forums.
ok this is probably just me but when aragorn looks into the mountain the ghostappears andyou sort of see it, i missed it the first time.....god i'm blind
I have seen ROTK three times.
Well, I never knew that Sauron actually SAID aragorns name, so I'll look for that next time!
did u notice when theoden is dieing and he is talkin with eowyn that he first said what he first said in the two towers when he first changed back from an old guy to himself.
"I know your face"
haha.. well, thats not a real BIG thing, but.. yah
thx all!
cant WAIT for it to come out on the DVD
There were too many beacons burning. They should be only 7, but in the film there are 11 or something.
And Gollum has too many teeth - at least eight, but in the book it says that he has six
Wow that's good noticing.
Were there actually supposed to be people up there on the snowy mountains to light the beacons? That would not be a fun place to be.
Well there had to be, otherwise how could they light the fires fast enough to warn the other country?
Yeah, but wouldn't you hate to be that person stuck up on the mountain just waiting for a beacon to be lit?
I didn't mind the extra beacons, I thought they were absolutely beautiful.
The second tme I saw it I noticed that Christian Rivers an art designer in the Weta Workshop was in the movie.
He the guard drinking guard at the beacon in Minas Tirith.
Definitely I would hate it!! But when I read the book I always thought they had more than just fires up there, I mean like some houses because it was also the border of Gondor and had to be protected
I enjoyed never knowing where the next beacon is gonna pop up on the screen, I thought that it was beautiful.
Yeah but not many Gondorian's were really shown in the movie only the ones in Minas Tirith which didn't look like alot during the Siege, but at the end at Aragorn's Coronation, it looked like all the people there were only the ones that could snag an invitation.
in the first movie when frodo and sam are leaving the shire there was a car in the background and when they are are on the mountain the snow was rough and then it was smooth or otherwise it was the other way around. at the battle of helms deep you can see some of the hollowgram orcs when they ride out on their horses and knock them off that long concrete bridge thing.
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