Is it just me??....
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Well i know this sounds...eccentric but the all seems so real..It just seems that something of this sort could've been true back in the early times.. yesterday..when i saw ROTK i felt i was actually in the movie, with the characters, i swear i did..its so wierd..
Am i the only one, who thinks that any of this could've been possible at one time??? or is this just something dumb to think about?

no i agree with you
I agree also. And I KNOW that all this was true. For it was Tolkien who said it and Tolkien knows all. Hobbits and elves and trolls and all still exist, only we don't see them, of course. Didn't you know that this is all true? It ended in the Fourth Age and we are now in the Seveth Age, as said in the back of one of the LOTR books. I wouldn't know which one because I have the one volume edition...But yes, I feel the same as you do.
i know how that feels,exactly.
the people here think i'm crazy

I agree completely!
Tolkien just spend so much time working on middle earth, and almost every aspect of it that it becomes very real
No, it's not just you.
Middle-earth is one of the few if not the only fantasy world that actually feels real.
Of course it's not you.
PJ did an excellent job of bringing Middle Earth to life and convincing the audience that Middle Earth does exist but has been lost to history, and everytime I walk into the theater and I would always expect to be taken back to Middle-Earth.
not to be speaking for everyone buti would say everyone who has seen LOTR and understands a fair bit of it would say it feels real, Fantasy or not it is awesome!
Yeah, every time I watch LOTR, it takes me back to Middle-Earth. Every time it does. And I love it! I wish I could have been born in the Third Age....Well, maybe the Fourth since the Third had Sauron and such in it....Gah.
well actually all this is said to have happened, about 10 000 years ago, and also i think lotr was based on the war, il start a thread about it and show u sum facts
As a matter of fact, i really wouldnt be the least bit surprised if it were all true, and im sure it was! thanks for all agreeing with me, I just didnt know if i were the only one to think of this, or it was some kind of non sense. But i believe it.
I think it would be so cool, to be reincarnated and made a hobbit, or an we could actually experience some of what happened in the story!
Remember this thread? LOL
I registered after this

But this is a really cool thread
That happens to me alot too, I feel as if I'm in there, I can do something to help...and I don't notice that I'm not really there until my sister hits me with The Silmarillion or something.

Agent Elrond
Middle Earth is as real as you make it. It has everything needed to be real. Everyday I dream about our world becoming like Arda with elves, dwarves, hobbits and all the cool cities. ME is real to me.
(I saw this thread very inactive and wanted to start it up again (or try))
Yes, Middle Earth, whether real or imagination, is and always will be real to me no matter wot! If the world were to change into Middle Earth id die happy.
I believe the world IS Arda, we're just in another age and all...

Agent Elrond
yeah, but for this world to be Arda, you'd have to ignore all scientific evidence of the world's creation, ect.
Yeah...okie ring was imbued with all this magic....the Rohirrim are said to have become the Germanic tribes, but 10 000 years ago, the Germanic tribes were still primitive homo sapiens sapiens.....and elves....
thats awesome
The world was created.

By God *in my belief and religion*
scott hiwersh
Yes, I feel the same way, and although I know it isn't true, Tolkien/PJ sure make it feel like it is... Also, once I get the EE for ROTK, it will be like a 3 hour transfer back to the third age every time I watch it, I cannot wait!!!!
Yeah. See, Tolkien didn't read all these ancient scrolls.
During the First World War, Tolkien caught 'shell shock' or, trench somehing, and he started to right 'Lost Tales of Elfinesse'.
He made it all up.
I love LotR too, but you ppl.......get real......
Agent Elrond
no, it just came from nothing.
trillions and trillions of atoms came together to form the planet.
No "Let there be light" or "Ea"
I prefer the Ea way better
Well everyday I pop ROTK in the dvd and no matter how many times i watch it i always cry at certain parts, and also on FOTR.
Get real?
It is real!

Okay....are you all insolent children?
There's no proof for evolution. And if evolution is true, I might as well die right now, as I have no purpose in life.

Okay, we were just created by 'Eru', no monkeys, no dinosaurs, no nothing.
Okie dokie, fokie.

whatever u say

Agent Elrond
Like I said, u would have to ignore everything science has told us to believe that this is Arda. But it would be cool if it was real. Imagine discovering Khazad-dum while in Europe
Hobbit holes

Yeah, but listen, it is obviously NOT true. Even though the film looks true and feels true, it really isn't true. Though it does feel it is.(Well kinda) And it most certainly did not happen. If it did. Then who comes there aint no elves around the place. They are immortal. Yeah, they went to the never dieing lands but where exactly is that place. And do you really think trolls excisted? Uruk-hais? Orks? Mabey not!!!
By the way. Isildur found the ring duing the second age. As Gandalf says so in the first LOTR when he is reding the scriptures that Isildur read.
"... the year 3434 of the second age,here follows the acount of Isildur high king of Gondor and the finding of the ring of power "

Smart and correct!
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