Gollum V.S Dobby
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well who do you think would win a battle out of:
Gollum, from the lord of the rings...or
Dobby the house elf, from harry potter...
Gollum! Gollum! Gollum!
There's no competition, it's gollum for sure.
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well wat do u mean by win
doby would win a monopoly coz gollum would rip the board up forfeiting himself
but if u mean fighting i think doby coz doby has spells and stuff gollum doesnt
true true, dobby can cast spells and stuff, i dont think gollum would stand a chance.
Now if they went in a cuss out war my money is on gollum ( from mtv movie awards)
Dobby can't have a wand though, so I don't know how much magic he would be capable of. If he could manage something like the Stunning Spell I think Dobby would win, but if it was just a real battle it would definitely be Gollum. I mean, he did some serious fighting with the hobbits, so Dobby wouldn't be much competition.
Gollum cuz he would start talking to himself and start to scare Doby!
dobbey would probley be hurting himself, so gollum of course!
this is a Lord of the rings thread i am sure most people will say Gollum.
Also Nobby is really anoying
GOLLUM! he would scary Doby to death by talking to himself!
no competition its Gollum all the way
but if it were a case of Dobby vs. Smeagol then we might have more of a show unless somebody brought in the ring
then Smeagol would win
Kill Dobby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gollum can "literally" kill Dobby if he just wanted to in a real hand to hand fight without any magic. If we are to include magic on the other hand, Dobby can cast spells but if Gollum put on the Ring and be invisible, then Gollum would still win.
gollUm of cOurSe
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yeah it depends on wether gollum has the ring
Dirty Vader
Of course everyone says Gollum. This is LOTR forum, all the harry potter fans never come here. I'm no harry potter fun or Lotr fan but I'll say gollum anyway, he's a backstabing little bastard isnt he.
dobby would nail gollum he can perform powerful magic he doesnt require a wand and now that he is free of service from the malfoys he is allowed to use it as he wishes
infact Gollum was a bit viscous when he first saw Frodo & sam "sleeping" so i would say Gollum, but of course that dwarf did have some powers of some sort
gollum's a murdering psyco. dobby's too nice to beat him. plus he just isn't the hurting/kililng type. gollum definately is. go gollum, go gollum, go gollum.........
strengths: speedy agile little thing, spindly fingers ideal or strangling..schitzophreniac so can swith from peace to war at a moments notice ideal for ambush suprise attacks, is all disfgured so nobody wants to touch him
weakness: the PRECIOUS (shower everthing with spit when sayig P)
strengths: can disappear and use magic
weakness: cannot do anything without masters permission...unfortunately master is dumbledore who does not condon violence and make dobby try and 'talk' it out, dobby would then be eradicated
hmm sounds about 100% - 0%
fairest i can say really
Gollum because he would bite dobby's finger off before he does magic, plus dobby is a wimp.
total wimp. and he's not as strong.
Die Dobby Die...
no ones gunna ask me so ill just butt in the convos(not) lol i definately think that gollum would win cuz hes awesome and dobbys gay.
Gollum against Dobby- Two against one.
almost unfair, Id definitely say Gollum
well, depends on if you're going by the evil part of gollum or the nice part of gollum. the evil part would kill dobby. the nice part would kill him if he took the ring. ha! that'd be hilarious! dobby gets the ring and gollum chases after him to get it back!! haha!!! filthy house elf, he stole the precious!!!!
true i guess dobby would lose cos he cant really be provoked that easily into using magic whereas gollum is a right out angry lil man
gollum would charm the socks off dobby becaise dobby has lots of socks. umm then he would rip them up dobby would cry leaving gollum feeling bad. then he would comfort dobby and they would get married. the only real winner is the government =s i dont know why. anyway at the wedding dobby levitates the cake (who guessed he's the bride) and it landed on his babyboo. umm thats all i got thankfully
uhhhhh.............. anyone else confused by that?
did anyone see that animation where gollum runs along and rips gandalf's head off?
DOBBY!!!!!!!! of corse dobby wud win, he can do spells. Even if gollum had the ring he wud still win. Dobby could probably face that Saruman guy and win!
http://images.killermovies.com/forums/moresmilies/boxing.gif DOBBY
you're not serious. are you????
yeah i saw gollum wiping out gandy
dobby beating gollum and saruman....right theres a third person i must ban from blue smarties
do more harm than they do good these smarties
blue smarties? what is blue smarties, precious?
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